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//1 week later//

"These pancakes are a bit dry."

"Well Louis feel free to wake up at 9:00 and make your own pancakes next time." I sass.

"Ohhh she sassed the sass master!" Harry yelled earning a high five from Liam and glare from Louis.

"Where's Niall?" Zayn asks me.

"Sleeping, where else?" The table bursts into laughter at joke as I continue making breakfast.

"Prim, more pancakes please?" Harry sweetly asks, holding his plate out for me to place the food on it.

"Here ya go, sweetie." I smile happily and give him his desired food.

I've been officially Niall's girlfriend for a week now. Nothing much has changed except I'm at his castle more.

It's kind of weird really, staying at his castle and staying for awhile. With all of the boys here I feel like their mother, cooking, cleaning up after them, telling them not to try to fit marshmallows in each other's ears while they are sleeping. It's fun really, like family... The only real family I've ever had is Steve.

"I had a dream about that goddamned movie." Grumpy Niall (or morning Niall) is one of my favorites. He's so cute with his messy hair, raspy voice and tired face. It all makes me want to jump into his arms and kiss him until my lips fall off.

"Morning sweetie." Kissing him on the cheek, I hand him a plate stacked with pancakes.

"Morning princess." His eyes brighten at the sight of food. "Yay, I'm starving." He grins.

He sits in his usual seat and pulls me onto his lap-as usual.

"I was sitting next to Zayn..." I pout, reaching towards my plate that seems so far away on the other side of the table. Zayn doesn't move at all, he just stays put, happily munching on his pancakes.

"You can share with me." Niall tightens his grip around my waist so I can't move.

I decide not to fight him, so I pick up a fork and take a bite from his pancake.

"So what ya'll doin' today?" I ask happily.

"Actually... we have to go...out." Liam vaguely explains.

My eyebrows knit together, "where?"

"Umm... you know, to guy places." Louis quickly answers.

"Doing guy stuff." Harry backs up.

"You guys are being weird." Zayn gives me a look telling me to let it go, so I do.

"I need to take a shower, I smell bad." Niall stands, making me fall off in the process, he lucky catches me before I hit the ground.


"Zayn why is everyone being so weird?" We have been sitting on the couch in silence for about 10 minutes and I can't take it anymore!

"Um...well that's just us. Guys. Guys are weird, we do weird stuff, act weird." He nervously fidgets with his fingers

"Are you su-"

"Oh look it's Niall! Your boyfriend." Zayn interrupted loudly.

"Hi, Niall!" I happily jumped over the couch, forgetting about the conversation to greet my boyfriend.

"Hi, princess. Listen I hate doing this but I gotta be somewhere so can I drop you off at your apartment?" He asks sympathetically.

"Of course." and the curiosity grew...


This is short and bad I'm sorry !


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