Part two

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"I didn't know." He mumbled finally.

We'd been having this...staring contest for the past couple minutes. We were so focused on each other I almost forgot that I was pissed.

"Ugh!" I finally scream.

Niall sends me a confused stare.

"I didn't stop you! Why the hell didn't I stop you? Marcus was so great. And he was hot. Damn he was hot. But then you came and... and fucking kissed me! Marcus never kissed me like that." I ramble.


"And the worst part is I don't even feel bad about it! I wouldn't take a single second of that back, and I hate that!" A small smirk works its way onto his face.

"But it was a mistake, such a huge mistake." the smirk falls as I put my head in my hand.


"Yes. A mistake." I snap.

"Primrose I snuck out of California two hours before a show and flew to fucking Georgia to show you that I love you."

"No, you flew out here so you you could... I don't even fucking know Niall! It wasn't love." I fight back.

"Don't tell me how I feel, Primrose. Trust me, I know how I feel. I was reminded of it every single day since we broke up."

"No Niall. This- this is what you do. You mess up, wait a while then come back and make a dramatic sene in hopes that I'll take you back. But it's not working this time." I refuse to give in again.

He's gotten enough chances.

"What's it going to take?" He pleas.

"For what?" I snap.

"What's it going to take for you to love me back?"

"That's the thing Niall, I already do." I whisper. "And that's why you have to go."

Niall looks emotionally and physically drained after the words leave my mouth. Like those two sentences took away everything.

And they did, for both me and him.

It was not easy for me to make him leave.

It was not any easier to watch him shut the door without even looking back.

But I guess it's good that he didn't look back. I wouldn't be able to handle the look in his eyes.

I love Niall Horan. And I am looking forward to the day when I can say I loved Niall Horan.

The thing about Niall and I is we were either perfect together or falling apart at the seems. We couldn't stay together even thought we tried.

Whether it was secrets or miscommunication, we could never get it right. No amount of love could save us.

Our love was so unexpected, who would've thought a broke waitress and a pop star would end up falling in love? I never would.

I wouldn't change a thing about our mini paradise. Not even the lies that eventually tore us apart.


"Steve." I whispered through the screen.

Steve and I were currently talking over Skype, a nightly routine.

"Yes, Primcake?" He hummed.

"I slept with Niall." I bite my lip, waiting for a response.

I didn't have to wait long. The (now black haired) boy started choking. Ashton rushed into the room soon after to see why his boyfriend was nearly dying.

"Prim slept with... Prim slep-" the poor boy couldn't even finish his sentence.

Ashton got it however and gasped dramatically. "You, Primrose, slept with Niall Horan?"

"I know... I'm a slut." I joked half heartedly, a sad smile covered my face.

"Prim shut the ef up, you are not a slut!" Steve chastised, hitting the screen of his computer.

"I feel like shit." I groan, head in my hands.


"He just came and kissed... It was such a good kiss. I don't know why I did it. My mind turned off I was so overwhelmed."

"Was it good?" Ash asks casually, eating a smack from Steve.

"Of course it was!" Steve rolls his eyes at his curly haired boyfriend.

"Guys! Stop fantasizing about it." I snap my fingers in front of the screen.

"I don't fantasize about straight sex sweetie." Ashton scoffs.

"Gee thanks, Ash." I joke.

"No problem babe." He winks back.

"Steve, control your boyfriend."

"Oh trust me, I try." He sighs, making me laugh.

"Anyways, back to the real problem. What are you going to do?" The black haired boy asks me.

"Um nothing? I made him leave." I shrug.

The two boys look at me like I have seven heads.

"You made him leave?" Ashton repeats.

"I couldn't take him back."

"Prim, Prim, Prim. Sweetie. That wasn't just sex. That was an apology, a statement of love, maybe even a marriage proposal!" Ashton exclaims, looking at Steve for help, who nods along.

"He's right, Prim." Steve nods.

"I did what was best for me. I don't care what that was." I stubbornly reply.

"Whatever, I think you made a huge mistake." Steve sighs and Ash nods in agreement.

"Fine. I gotta go. Talk to you guys tomorrow." And with that I hung up with guilt hanging over me.

I regret everything that has happened today.

Did I do the wrong thing?

Should I have made Niall go?

Is Niall the person I was meant to be with?


This is the final chapter...

-Soph xx

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