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Back and forth. Back and forth. I pace and pace and pace.

"What do you mean Prim?" Zayn asks.

"It was all my fault, everything was my fault." I sob and continue to pace.

"Prim stop pacing! What was your fault?" He grabs my shoulders and looks into my hazel eyes.

"She's dead." I whisper.


"Cathy. My best friend, she's dead because of me." I cry more.

"What?" I don't look at him, I can't.

"My ex, Kyle, he killed her because of me." I sob again, only Steve and Anna know about this. I haven't told or talked about it in years, since it happened really.

"Prim calm down. Tell me what happened." Zayn slowly leads me to the curb, where we sit. It's also next to a dumpster, which makes the smell so much better.

"I was only 19... I didn't know what was happening. Kyle was two years older, he said we were in love so I believed him. He hit me, Zayn." Zayn's hand flies to his face in shock, but I continue. I need to get this off my chest.

"The first, second and third time he did it I tried to leave. I ran away, but he found me. I told him we were over, he didn't listen. Nothing would make him go away, so I just got used to it."

"He would come home-from classes, then hit me. For no reason. I did everything for him. I cooked, cleaned, I loved him. Or I thought... anyways one time he hit me and my best friend Cathy saw and threatened to call the cops so he killed her." I can't help but let out another sob.


"He strangled her right in front of me. Then ran. The police almost gave up on finding him until he came into my house in the middle of the night two weeks later." My voice is dripping with hatred and bitterness.

"Oh my god Prim. That's why you moved to the city?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah. I'm originally from Georgia." I nod.

"I'm sorry that happened." He says softly after a few moments of silence.

"I'm sorry Zayn. I should go. I-I thought I was over Niall, but I'm just not and I don't know why. I have to figure some stuff out... I'll text or call you later." I sigh, standing up and brushing off my dress.


"I'm sorry, you saw Ryan Gossling and you didn't even take a damn picture?" Steve yells through the phone.

"I wasn't finished yet asshole." I snap back.

"Niall got there and Liam stopped to tell me. So when I looked over I saw him..." I trial.

"Why the fuck would you look?" Steve scolds.

"He was with a goddess." I cry.

"Oh god... why is it always goddesses?" I hear him whisper to himself.

"Okay I'll see you soon, I'm coming home." He finally says.

"What? No, Steve be with your family."

"No, you need me. All they are doing is trying to set me up with girls. Fucking homophobes."


"Well she's sounds like the four B's." Steve finally concludes.

"Four B's?"

"Basic, blond, beautiful, and bitchy." I laugh at this, mostly because its so true.

"I shouldn't be so mean to her. It's Niall's fault, not hers." I sigh.

"Sweetie, you told me the story. It's not about Niall anymore. The bitch got personal." Steve sasses, pointing his twizzler at me then taking a bite out of it.

"I guess." I mumble, taking a sip of my whine.

"You're so much better than her Prim. She might have money, and 0% body fat, but you have a heart. And you're pretty damn hot." Steve takes my hand from across the table.

"You're gay, how am I hot to you?" I laugh softly.

"I'd go straight for you." He smirks.

"Awe I love you, you nerd." I smile, getting up and giving him a huge hug, which turns into me holding onto him for dear life.


Did anyone else cry ? No ? Just me ? Okay.



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