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"We should do something." I whine, cuddling into Niall's side more.

"Like what?" He mumbles, still half asleep.

"Like... bowling." I decide, staring at him with hopeful eyes.

"Or, we could stay here and sleep and watch movies."

"We always do that." I pout. "Niall, we've been dating for a month and we have never gone out."

"But I can't cuddle with you if we go out." He pouts.

"We will manage." Rolling my eyes, I sit up.


"Please!" I whine again, probably sounding way more annoying than intended.

"Okay." He looks kind of worried, but agrees.

"Yay!" I cheer in victory, getting out of his warm bed and picking out black skinny jeans and a shirt that reads 'I'm cooler on the Internet'.

"Did I tell you Steve made me a Twitter?" I ask Niall while getting dressed.

"H-he did?" This seems to make him worried again, he acts weird at the strangest things...

"Yeah. Do you have one?"

"Um... yeah." He seems to contemplate his answer.

"Yay! Follow me, it's @Primtherose."

"Okay, princess. I'll follow you when we get back." He smiles, walking over to me and kisses me sweetly.

"Really?" I mumble against his lips.

"Course, princess." The word princess has become a lot more special since I've met Niall.


"What size are you?" The man asks in a bored voice.

"Um 6.5, right?" I nod. "and 10."

Once we are handed our shoes we go to lane 6.

"Niall, we are inside, why do you have sunglasses on?" I laugh.

"Because I like them." He shrugs.

"Weirdo." I laugh at him.

He puts our names in, I'm Princess and he's Prince.

"Hello prince." I throw my arms over his shoulders and looking up at him with a grin.

"Hello princess." He gives me a soft, short kiss. "You're first."

It turns out I'm really bad at bowling, and Niall is even worse.

"Wow, we really suck." I admit, looking at our current scores.

"I need a drink." Niall chuckles.

"I'll get you one."

I walk to a vending machine and pick out two waters.

Picking up the bottles, I turn around only to bump into two girls.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Are you here with Niall Horan?" One glares.

"Um yes?" Creeped out, I back up.

"How did you get him?" The second one asks.

"How do you know who he is?" My voice comes out high pitched.

"Who doesn't? He's Niall Horan, everyone knows who he is!" They answer defensively.

"What?" I look past the girls to Niall. He's surrounded by teenage girls, asking for pictures and such.

"What?" I scream.

I dropped the waters and ran for the exist. As soon as I open the doors to leave I'm greeted by flashing cameras and people screaming questions at me.

What is going on?

Who is Niall?

I keep thinking.

"Primrose!" I hear Niall scream over the questions. "Primrose wait!" He screams, I keep walking through the mass of photographers.


I start to run down the busy street. When I run out of air and I'm far enough away I find a taxi.

"Steve!" I slam my apartment door open and rush inside.

"What?" He asks, looking up from his laptop.

"I-I need Twitter." I'm breathing heavily and can barely think, my head is spinning.


Once I open Twitter I type in 'Niall Horan' in the search bar. In seconds thousands of tweets are in front of me. I see tweets like,

Who even is she?!?!

Niall could do so much better EW

I HATE HER!!!!! this girl needs to back tf up away from my leprechaun

Can't wait for Niall to be done with that slut because no.

She's pretty... But why is she so short?? Tf

I almost scream at these, who are these girls and why do they hate me? What did I ever do to them?

Finally I make it to his Twitter page. He has over 21 million followers and he's in a band.

One direction. I've heard that before... and then it hits me. All those girls were talking about a concert a few months ago, a One Direction concert.

"Steve, we need cable." I whisper. "And every social media out there." Before Twitter I didn't have any social media, no cable and I was too busy to keep up with any celebrities, but now I'm dating one.

And I'm best friends with four.


I show him the screen and his face twists with both anger and confusion, much like mine.

"How could be keep this from you?!" Steve screams.

"I don't know." And that's when I started to cry.


This is bad, ik. BUT SHIT HES FAMOUS

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