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"So tell me, how were you planning on getting home if your original plan was to sneak out?" He asked me, raising his eye brow at me.

"I... Um... taxi?" I say as a question. To be honest I didn't think about it at all.

"Oh, Primrose, you are so silly." He shakes his head and laughs.

"I am not." I huff, crossing my arms across my chest and pout.

"Whatever you say." He chuckles, making me roll my eyes.


"Thanks for the ride, Niall. And for last night." I awkwardly thank him and turn to leave his car.

"Primrose," He calls, making me turn to him. "I'll call you." He winks, causing a blush to creep it's way onto my already rosy cheeks.

I nod, closing the car door and run up the stairs to my apartment. After fumbling with the keys I finally manage to unlock the door, swinging it open.

"Okay Steve, you shove all the shit into our rooms, I'll bleach everything we own... go!" I yell to him, not even knowing where he is.

Unfortunately I find him in the living room, next to my mother.

"It's not proper to swear, Primrose." My mother scolds. She's wearing his usual fancy, work attire.

"Mother," I gulp. "You weren't supposed to come for another hour." I gulped.

"I came early, obviously you weren't ready for my arrival." She mocks.

"I was... out." I defend weakly.

"At a farm? You look awful." She criticizes.

"No, I was at a... friends house." I lie, not going near the topic of dating.

"You see your friends looking like that?" She looks me up and down with a judgmental glare.

"What did you want to talk about Mom?" I change the subject with a sigh.

"Here." Steve hands we a cup of coffee which I gladly accept and give him a warm hug as a thanks.

As I take a sip she starts explaining, "I slept with your father." She speaks casually, at her statement I choke on my drink and start coughing, causing the hot liquid to go everywhere.

"Prim, coffee stains!" Steve scolds.

"You what?" I sputter as Steve cleans up my mess.

"I spent 25 years with him, these last two years have been hard, and I wanted something to be like it used to." She shrugged like it was no big deal.

"So you're back together?" I ask.

She laughs scornfully, "Of course not, Primrose!"

"I don't understand... when?" I bring myself to ask.

"Four months ago."

"You slept with dad four months ago and you didn't tell me?!" I scream. "Do you realise i've had to hear both of you bitch about each other for 2 years?!" I scream.

"Yes, but Primrose, nothing has changed between us." she scoffs.

I hear someone clear their throat making me snap my head up. Standing near the door is an uncomfortable Steve and an even more uncomfortable Niall.

"N-Niall." I stutter.

"You forgot your phone... in my car." He awkwardly speaks.

"Th-thanks." I stand and walk over to retrieve my phone that's resting in his hand.

"That's your 'Friend'?!" My mother screams. "I thought I was clear about boys." She scolds.

"I'm not 10 anymore, I'm 21!" I yell back. "And I never agreed to that." I remind her.

"I do not care, I'm your mother." She contradicts.

"Oh, like that's ever mattered to you. I can go on a date with whoever I want, I'm sick of meeting the boring pricks you make me go out with." I spat.

"Don't talk to me like that!" She yells.

"Stop telling me what to do!" I yell back.

These poor boys are directly in the middle of us at this point, probably afraid one of us will try to choke the other.

"You're just like your father." She laughs evilly.

"Well he raised me." I bite back.

"I was the one that payed for everything you owned, do not take his side." She warned.

"I would rather be loved and poor than rich and ignored." I glare at her.

"Primrose, I did not come here to fight." She changes the subject quickly.

"Right, you came here to criticize my life choices, then bitch about dad." I rolled my eyes.

"I flew all the way from California, do not disrespect me." She orders.

"I won't as soon as you stop being so fucking criticizing." I shoot.

"I'm leaving, I don't have time for this." She rolls her eyes, pushing past Niall and I, then Steve.

"You never did." I reply.

She doesn't respond, she only slams the door.

That's when I fall to the floor and sob. I already have a massive headache from all the yelling and crying.

I feel Niall's strong arms pulls me into a hug. After a few minutes I look up, blinking back tears, noticing Steve has also sunk to the floor, tears running down his face as well as he watches his best friend breaking.

Niall hugs me tightly, like he's afraid to let go.

"I'm sorry." He whispers into my hair.

"I told you she was a bitch." I mumbled back, my voice is scratchy from crying so hard.

"You did." He nods and slowly rocks us back and forth.

Guys I'm making an Ashton fanfic! I don't know if I should post it but I really like my idea!


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