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"So you're a bitch now? I like it!" Steve pokes my arm with a smirk dancing on his lips.

"Stop smirking. I know that smirk, I'm not a bitch, I just... Got annoyed..." I trail.

"You're so a bitch oh my god, Prim!" Throwing a pillow at his head and walking out of the room I finally make it to my bed.

"I'm not a bitch..." I mumble to myself once more before falling into much needed sleep.

Two weeks later

"Work time!" My annoying roommate yells, throwing his slim body onto mine.

"What. The. Fuck." I screech in annoyance, flinging my body up.

"Morning Primmy." His hand pokes my cheek as I send him a deadly glare.

"Get dressed! Skinny jeans, work shirt. Ooh maybe tuck it in today? With that belt!" He rambles, shifting through my overstuffed closet.

"Hand me my bra?" With one look at the black undergarment he frantically shakes his head no.

"It's just a bra! You've seen and touched worse." I roll my eyes at the disgusted face he made at my comment. "Fine I'll get it then."

After the both of us finished getting dressed and ate we walked to work.

I sipped on my coffee (decided I needed more than hot chocolate) as I walked through the doors to work. It wasn't too busy yet, considering the place just opened.

"Where's Anna?" I asked one of the waiters, Andre.

"Called in sick." He shrugged and walked away.

"I never liked him." Steve chuckles at my comment, then shuffles past me.

"Do I have to work today?" I ask, following him with a pout on my lips.

"Yes, go away." With that I turn around and find a table to serve.


"Prim, table 3." With a small sigh I nod towards Emma.

I'm completely done with work at this point. I wasn't in the mood for work before, but now it's worse.

"Hi, I'm Prim. Can I start you off with some drinks?" I recite, not even looking at the customer in front of me.

"Primrose..." I snap my head up when I hear the familiar Irish accent.

"What are you doing here?" I snap, narrowing my eyes at the blond boy.

"I-we need to talk." He looks completely defeated. Like he hasn't slept in years, his hair is messy, his blue eyes aren't shinning and his clothes are dark and sad.

"I don't want to talk to you. You had your chance." My jaw clenched as I glared at him.

"I know... but Primrose I just... I don't know, I needed to think things through." He sighs, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Think things through? What fucking things, Niall?" My anger is raising with every word.

"You don't understand, Primrose." He sighs, again, defeated.

"Then tell me." My voice involuntarily cracks.

"I can't..."

"Then I can't help you, Niall. I'm sorry." A tear spills from my eye as I turn and walk away.

"Primrose, wait!" He yells across the room.

I turn to find him looking hopeful yet sad, with those god damn sunglasses covering his eyes.

"You can't leave," He cries, almost angry. "You can't just... come into my life then just leave!" People start to look at us but can only focus on the helpless man in front of me.

"You know it's your fault." I say calmly.

"I know! Primrose, I know it's my fault. You think the last two weeks have been just great and happy for me? I've spent the last two weeks having to fake a smile and act like I am not broken!" He yells.

"You can't just... come back after two weeks and expect me to jump into your arms! Do you know how much ice cream and wine I've consumed the last two weeks? Because I lost count!" I yell back, tears falling without control.

"Well then be my girlfriend!" he screams back.

My eyes widen and I stand frozen in place.

"Okay." I whisper, then look to him "I will."




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