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I woke up to the sound of several voices talking in loud whispers. Slowly I opened my eyes, the room is dark, but I made out four dark figures standing around me. Under my head I felt someone move, that was when I figured out it was Niall.

"Shh, you are going to wake her up." Niall whispered loudly to the other people. I snuggled closer to him and closed my eyes again, too lazy to keep them open right now.

"Why is she still here? What if the pap-''

"They won't.'' Niall snaps at the boy who he rudely cut off.

''Was that our waitress from that Italian place?" Another asks.

''Yeah, problem?"

''Harry, you are pissing him off!'' A different one observes.

"I am taking her upstairs.'' Niall grumbles.

"Do you need help?"

"You are not the only one with muscles, Liam." He snaps.

"Stop being mean, Ni.'' Liam orders sternly.

Without another word I am being picked up bridal style and he carries me up the stairs.

"I can walk." I sleepily remind him.

"So can I.''

Moments later I am being lowered onto what i am assuming to be a bed. Niall pulls the warm covers up to my neck and then walks to the other side of the bed. When he gets in I feel a dip in the bed. Naturally i move over to the edge to give us room, I don't usually sleep with guys on the first date, and me being my awkward self I make everything around me awkward... After a few minutes I hear him let out a frustrated sigh and pull my back to his bare chest.

It was so different... usually -not that this happens often, but when I do sleep with a guy on the first date it doesn't feel like this. It doesn't feel real... But with Niall it feels real, like he cares.

Maybe it's because I'm in love with his accent, or because his laugh is toxic. Or maybe it's because I have real feelings for him... for now I'll go with the accent.


Waking up the next morning was... an experience. At first I was completely confused about where I was, so I just layed there and thought about last night. Finally after running everything through my head I remembered I was in Niall's castle. Of course I could have just looked to my right, or moved my pinky about a centimeter away from me to his warm body.

Next I realized that Steve has no clue where I am, knowing him he has already called the army to look for me. I look around as quietly as I can so I don't wake the sleeping boy next to me.

Finally I spot my black phone case resting a few inches from the bed. Skilfully I reach as far as I can while staying in bed, but being my clumsy self I fall on the floor, and not so quietly. I look up over the bed to see Niall start to stir, but not wake up. With a sigh and or relief I grab my phone.

My phone, as expected, as been blown up with calls and texts from my over protective roommate. I reply telling him that I'm okay and that I spent the night at Niall's. He immediately texts me back, but it's not a 'never do that again' text. No this is much worse, today is the day I dread every year; my parents anniversary.

I get up off the floor so fast my head spins, but I ignore the dizziness and head for the door.

My parents anniversary is one of the worst days of the year. Two years ago my mother found out that my father has been cheating on her with some 20 year old for some time. My mother of course went completely crazy, needless to say they are now divorced. They both completely loath each other now and refuse to step foot in the same room.

However they have no problem flying to Manhattan every year purely to talk shit about each other to their loving daughter.

Every year I have had to let them stay in my apartment without knowing the other was here. No, I do not let them stay the night, but they talk for a solid four hours about how much they hate each other... It's quite the task! My family has problems.

Anyway my mom is expected to arrive in an hour and I am 100% unprepared. The problem with my mother is that she has higher expectations for my life than being a waitress. Meaning every time she sees my tiny, and sad apartment she criticizes it to the max, then tries to hand me money to fix it. She never got the memo that I moved here to survive by myself.

As I leave the room quickly and clumsily I hear an Irish accent call after me. I guess I woke him up... I keep walking, ignoring his pleads to come back, as much as I want to hide here with him, I can't.

I continue walking quickly down the unfamiliar hall way.

"Primrose?" He calls to me in confusion.

Hearing his voice makes me want to just break down and cry. I want to stop and tell him about my fucked up family, but I'm running out of time. Plus, it's only the first date, how embarrassing would it be to start crying? A lot.

I rush down the stairs, wiping away stray tears.

"Primrose, wait!" He calls, not too far behind me. I start moving faster, looking down at my feet, which was a stupid thing to do because I found myself coming into contact with a body.

Stumbling back I look up, its the curly-haired one.

"I-I'm sorry." I stutter.

"Are you okay?" He asks in a deep British accent.

"I'm sorry." I repeat, more tears dripping onto my cheeks, then push past him.

"Primrose, stop!" Niall yells from the stairs.

I push forward to the door. As I fumble with the door, trying to figure it out I'm pulled back. Niall's hand is wrapped around my waist, we are both breathing heavily from running across the castle.

"Why are you crying?" His morning voice is raspy and deep.

"I-I have t-to go." I stutter, wiping away more unwanted tears with my hand forcefully.

"Why are you crying?" He presses.

"Because I have to g-go!" I hiccup.

"Fuck, Primrose, just tell me why you're crying!" He groans and tugs the ends of his blond hair, getting frustrated.

"It's a long story." I mumble, looking down at my feet like they are so entertaining.

"Tell me." He presses more, tightening his grip.

"Damnit, Niall, I have to go!" I finally explode, crying harder. I use his grip around me as an advantage and snuggle into his toned chest.

"Primrose... it's okay. Don't cry, love." He begins to coax. The way he says my name, and then called me 'love' made me even more emotional.

"Stop... talking." I manage to speak through my sobs.

I feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles lightly.

After a few minutes I manage to put myself together.

"I'm sorry." I mumble, trying to fix my assumed mess of a face.

He smiles, running his thumb under my makeup smudged eyes.

"Primrose, please tell me what happened." He begs.

"My moms a bitch." I shrug. "My dads an idiot." I continue. "And I'm in the middle." I finish.

"That tells me nothing." He looks at me like he's determined to find all the answers in my clouded blue eyes.

"I have to go." I say for the thousandth time. This time he nods and ushers me to his car to drive me home.

Trying to make these shorter...
Filler chapter sorry, I hate it:(

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