Chapter 5

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I dove down, deep under water.
I swam towards the family.
I felt my ears pop as I swam nearer and nearer to the other people.

I reached the layer that separated the water from what seemed like the other world.
I forced my body to swim towards the bottom. My arms touched the end.

Water swirled around me as I closed my eyes to stop the dizziness. It was all so surreal , I couldn't make out what was actually happening.

I clenched my teeth and closed my fists as I spun in what felt like a water tornado.
Finally, the water slowed down gradually to a stop.

I looked down. I was wearing my regular clothes. No bikini? I shrugged, distracted by my surroundings. I was at some sort of trailer campground. Nothing felt different, everything looked normal. Just a little trailer park, busy but not too busy.

I didn't even feel like I was in a another world. I mean, I was in a different world, wasn't I?

I found a building that looked like a main entrance. It was a cozy little home with light green siding. I opened the door as its bell rang.
A older lady was there to greet me behind the large counter. Shelves of candy and other junk foods took their place on the left and right walls and various pictures of previous parties and sunsets and winters and summers were pinned upon a large cork board.
"Hello, there! Would you like to park a trailer? Check out? Buy something?" Her arms motioned to the walls of food.
"Well, actually, I wanted to know..uh...what city I'm in,"I stuttered.
The lady looked surprised but quickly smoothed her expression.
"Oh, we are in the town of Sunsetbay, in the country of Celia. You don't live around here do you?"she smiled.
"Uh,no. I'm actually from Florida,"I said.
"Hm. Never heard of it. Is that near Winterlot?"she asked.
"I...don't think so...."I answered.
"Oh..well I hope you enjoy your stay here at Sunsetbay!"she said kindly. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"Um...yes please. I'll take these." I grabbed a bag of chips and plopped it down on the counter. I was starving. Thankfully, my wallet was inside of my jeans and I had about 20 dollars. Her cash register "Kachinged". I thanked her and left. Left for what? I didn't even know.

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