Chapter 20

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It was quick how it happened. We had swam to an island by the trailer park. I didn't know how they figured this out, but they did. I swam in my aquamarine bikini. I looked back and saw Harley. He stood there, with his hands in his pockets with a sad smile. I felt terrible.

We reached the island and Jenessa told Talia and I what to do. We sat on the island and closed our eyes.
"Thanks for being my friends. I love you guys,"I said, with my eyes still closed.
"We love you too," the twins said in unison.

Suddenly, I felt dizzy. But I kept my eyes closed. A tear ran down my cheek. It was for Harley. It was for Jenessa and Talia. It was for Diana, Charlotte and Jeffrey. It was for this whole other world.

Blackness invaded my thoughts. I couldn't move. A weird feeling came over me.
A dizzy feeling.
A sick feeling.
A...choking feeling.
I was drowning again.

I woke up, laying on an island. I felt the soft sand through my fingers. I opened my eyes and gazed at the bright blue sky. I sat up.
The ocean. The ocean was back. I squinted. I saw my house, across the glistering blue water.

I swam home faster than I knew I could swim. I snatched my towel and dried off myself as quickly as I could. Dashing through the screen door, and crawling up the stairs like a crazing animal, I saw my mom in the kitchen. Cleaning up a couple dishes.
"Back so soon?" She said.
'Uhm no mom, one been gone for a freaking month!' I said in my head. Then it came to me. Time froze a whole month while I was in the other world.
"Uh, yeah. I just realized I have to do something," I said. I gave her a quick hug and ran upstairs.
"Alex!" I shouted.
"Avery? What?"she answered from her bedroom.
I dashed into her room and gave her a huge hug. Her shoulder length hair was still her dirty blonde colour. Her large blue eyes were exactly the same as they were before.
"Uh, what's up? I have to go to Kayla's soon!"she said, breaking it of our hug.
"Sorry, I-"I didn't know what to say.
"Have fun,"I said.
She hugged me back and went downstairs. I heard the door close downstairs and I walked into my room.  It was the same as I had left it.  The dark blue and purple walls stayed the same, and my bed was still messy and unmade. I reached up and felt my blue scrunchy keeping my hair up. I look down at my swimsuit.
I forgot Charlie's note in the jeans I was wearing at the trailer park.
I sat on my bed, hitting my head with my hand.
I'm such an idiot. I'll never see the kid again and I left the last piece of her I had behind.
And then I thought of Harley. I missed him.
I changed out of my swim suit and got into a sundress. I sat on my bean bag chair, taking it all in.

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