Chapter 12

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It was Sunday morning, and I was so nervous. And excited, of course.
I had told Diana that I'd be gone that afternoon, that I had plans.
I put my hair in a high ponytail and wore a lacy shirt with high-waisted shorts.
Just like the shorts Alexandra wears. A tear rolled down my cheek. I'm hopeless. There's no way back home.

I wiped the tear away, and took some deep breaths. Then I applied my mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss.

It was still a little early to go, so I sat on my bed and took out the MacBook that Diana had bought me.
"" I typed. With the little hope I had left, I searched for "Darlene Summers". One person popped up. I read her description. Single, Works at Two Springs bedding department, lives in Kinghill.

Wherever that is. I scrolled up to look at her picture. A skinny blonde haired lady, looked about 20 was at a party with friends. Not my mom.

"Alexandra Summers".
A couple popped up, but none of them were her.

"Devin Summers". Nobody like my dad showed up.

I sighed, and closed my laptop. I glanced at the clock on the wall. "12:57" It read. I looked at it in shock. I had to be at the coffee shop in 3 minutes!

I snatched my purse and dashed out the door. I ran down the street, glad I wore flats instead of heels. When I reached the coffee shop, I was nearly out of breath. I caught my breath and walked inside.
I searched for the table that Harley was sitting at, but there was no sign of him. I stood in the doorway like a fool, looking for him. Suddenly, a familiar voice came up behind me.

"Hey there, pretty."

I turned and saw Harley.

"Hi, Harley," I said.
"Come on, let's go find a table".

We talked. We talked a lot. We had many things in common, like a love for swimming and fishing. He told me about his family and I told him about mine. We both complained about our little sisters and we talked about what we wanted to be when we graduated and where we wanted to live.

We just, clicked.
"You know, you are a really good guy," I said. "I honestly thought you were just one of those jocks that hit on girls for the attention. But you are way more than that."
He smiled.
We sipped on our coffees in silence.
"It was nice talking to you today,"he said as he stood up. I bent over and grabbed my purse from the floor. As a came up, he kissed me on the forehead.
"Later, Avery,"he said, and walked out the door with a smile.

My heart fluttered.
Skipped a beat.

And no, I'm not having heart problems.

I think....I'm falling in love.

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