Chapter 6

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I walked down the stairs from the tiny house and found a few telephones. I entered the change and dialled my mothers number.
"Ya, hello. Wudya want?"a strange man sounded from the other side of the phone. I wondered who had my Mom's phone. It didn't sound like my dad at all.
"Um, hi. Is Darlene there?" I asked.
"Darlene? I don't know any Darlene's. Is this a prank call?"he asked.
"No! No, sir. I'm just looking for my mother, Darlene Summers,"
"Get off the phone or I'm calling the cops!"he screamed into the phone. I jumped and dropped the phone, gathering myself as it bounced from the cord holding it up. I slowly picked it up and put it back, hanging up the call.
I did type the right number. I memorized it ever since I was little, and now I know it by heart. I sang out the little song I used to memorize it. It was exactly what I typed. In confusion, I walked up to a park bench, munching on my chips, and sat down. My thoughts were so scrambled. I as so confused. Where was I? Some trailer park in where? Sunsetbay, Celia. I don't know where in the world that is.
It was starting to get dark, so I took off my beige leather jacket and wrapped it around my body like a blanket. I laid down on the cold, hard park bench and slowly drifted to sleep.

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