Chapter 13

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I woke up in bed, smiling. Yes, it was Monday morning. Yes, my alarm clock was super annoying.
But I couldn't get Harley off my mind.
The butterflies I got last afternoon are still fluttering in my stomach.

He kissed me. On the forehead, yes.
But still!
"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!"I slammed the alarm clock off.

I hopped out of bed, and skipped to my dresser to put on a pair of leggings and cardigan with a shirt underneath.
I hummed to myself as I combed through my hair and curled it.

I danced my way downstairs. But once I entered the living room, I stopped in my tracks.

A black-haired man sat beside Diana with a suitcase and coffee mug. He stared at me.

"Avery, this is my husband. Jeffrey, Avery,"Diana said.
"Hi! Nice to meet you, sir!"I said.
"Uh huh.."he studied me some more. "Can I see you in private Diana?"he asked.
"Yes,"she sighed. I smiled and left the room. I walked into the kitchen and slouched on a bar stool.

"We don't know her! We don't know her parents! She could be dangerous, and we can't have her around Charlie!"Jeffrey argued.
"She's harmless! She wouldn't hurt a fly! She's a sweet young lady that needs our help! You don't have a choice! You're not home 80% of the time anyways!"Diana snapped, getting louder.
"You know what? If she doesn't leave by next week, I will leave this house with Charlotte, and we will not come back until the stranger goes back to the park bench where you found her,"he shouted.

I could hear them getting up to leave, so I raced towards the toaster and popped a couple Pop Tarts in. I tapped my fingers on the counter as I waited for the toaster to beep.
They did, and I grabbed them to go.
I left without a word.

When I arrived at school, I met Jenessa at the front entrance.
"Where's Talia?"I asked.
"Sick. Common cold,"she answered.
She snickered and flicked a sprinkle off my nose. "Pop Tarts?"she guessed.
I have her a nudge and we both left for class.

"Alright class. Today in math we will be learning about.....blah... blah.....blah...,"the teacher doesn't stop blabbing.
My eyes are glued to the back of Harley's head. I rested my head on my hand and daydreamed.

I could just imagine. Walking through a flowery field, holding hands with him.

Wait. What?! I knew it. Harley put some sort of potion into that coffee, making me fall head over heels for him.
I continue to dream in my Lala land.

"Right, Summers?"I snap out of my trance. The teacher is looking at me, along with the rest of the class.
"Sorry, w-what's the question?" I asked.
"Pay attention in class!"she shouted.
"Sorry, mam. Will do," I said, embarrassed.
Remind me to never dream about Harley in Mrs. K's class.

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