Chapter 19

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"Avery, what are you talking about?"Harley asked.
It was the day that Jen, Talia, and I go back home. I had to explain to Harley. In my throat formed a tight knot.
"I'm so sorry, Harley. But I have to go back home. I know it's confusing but I have a family somewhere else and I need to be there," I said.
We sat beside each other on a picnic table in the park. I had planned this so I could say goodbye to him.
A single tear ran down my cheek.
"I understand. But I......." He paused and looked at the droplet as it ran down my face.
He slowly leaned in, wiped the tear away and....

Kissed me.

It was an amazing kiss. Long, passionate kiss. I reached my hands up to his face and embraced him.

We both pulled back at the same time, looking into each other's eyes. This may be the last time I see his gorgeous green, gold-speckled eyes.
"I'm sorry,"I whispered.
"Me too,"he said, and pulled me into a hug. "I love you Avery," he let go of the hug. "I've never said this to anyone, but I love you."

He drove me to Diana's house where I would say my final goodbyes.

After explaining everything to Diana, Jeffrey, and little Charlotte, I have them all a hug and thanked them for everything.
"It was a pleasure, Avery. You are such a good girl,"Diana said, sadness in her eyes.
I pulled Charlie into my lap.
"Sorry I have to go, Charlie. Maybe I'll see you again someday," I said.
"Ok Avery. Here,"she gave me a little piece of paper with a scribbled drawing of Charlie and I, hugging.
"So we can always be friends,"she smiled.
I folded the paper and put it in my pocket.
Finally, I went over to Jeff. I extended my hand. He rejected it.
He surprisingly took me into a short hug. 
"Sorry I've been a jerk. You really are a good girl. Thanks for everything,"he said.
I felt so bad leaving a family like that, especially after all they'd done for me. But I left. And Harley drove me to the meeting spot.
Jenessa and Talia stood by the very bench I woke up on, about a month ago.
"So you woke up here too,"I said.
They nodded.
We were about to go back home.

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