Chapter 7

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I slowly opened my eyes as a strange woman shook my shoulder gently.
"Mom?" I croaked. She stopped shaking me.
The woman looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile.
"No, sweetie. You poor girl. Where are your parents?"she asked kindly.
It was starting to get lighter outside by the minute. I guessed it was 7:00 am to 8:00 am by the look of it.
"Um, I don't really know," I answered her question.
"It's awfully cold out here. Wouldn't you like a nice warm, trailer to stay in for a while?" She asked me.
Now that I was more awake, I started to get my feeling back and I felt very cold. I sat up and crossed my legs as she sat at my feet.
"Yes, that would be nice... I guess," I said.
"Ok, darling. Follow me,"she said. Normally I would not follow people in their trailers, but:
1. She seemed like a nice lady,
2. I was freezing to death.
I followed her to her little trailer and we sat to have tea. She said her name was Diana. Her hair was shoulder length and was a reddish brown colour. She had chocolate brown eyes and had a slim face. She looked like she was in her late 30's. She was very kind and even had a 8 year old daughter of her own. She explained that on her way to pick up some milk she saw me and became worried.
"So, do you have a...home?" She asked shyly.
I was starting to catch on. She thought I was homeless. However, I didn't exactly know how to explain what just happened it the past day, because I didn't even know it myself.
So I decided to stick with it.
"Well, not really. But I don't want to talk about it," I made up. I wanted to change the subject.
"Ok, I see. That's fine. But I was starting to think about, maybe, if you're up to it-......"she trailed off, playing with her fingers. Her took a deep breath and continued.
"Look, I know it's sudden, but I can't leave a young lady on the streets without a home. And the mornings and evenings around here are very cold," she said. "You could stay with me, my husband and my daughter. Our trailer is definitely too small, but we were planning on leaving to our house, which has a guest room. Don't feel pressured to do this though," she paused. "Maybe until you get a job or get old enough to go off on your own. I'd be happy to do this for you!"she said.
"I'll give you a moment to think about it though," she smiled. She got up from her seat and placed our empty cups in the sink. She turned around at me to speak.
"I'll be at the store for a little bit. You can think about it and come back to me." And with that, she left and walked out the door, leaving me there with a million thoughts going through my head.

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