Chapter 4

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I groaned. Coughed. Pain.
I didn't remember what happened at first. I lifted my head up. As I did, I immediately regretted it. The sky was dark, dark, grey. No blue, no clouds, no birds.
I glanced down around me. The beautiful ocean colour was turned into an over-powering dark. Almost fully black.
There was nothing in the distance. Nothing to see.

By now I started waking up, shocked. I sat up, and realized I was on the island.
But my 'little island hangout' wasn't really a nice place anymore. There was harsh gravel, replacing the soft sand. Ugly, dying plants replacing the beautiful ones that were there once before. The amazing tropical forest was missing. I was stranded on this tiny island. Alone. Hopeless. Confused.

I just want to go home.

I sigh, with a tear rolling down my cheek. As I do, I smell smoke. Camp fire smoke.

Reminds me of when we had campfires in the backyard all the time. We'd grab the hotdogs and marshmallows and sit by the warm crackling fire. Good times.

I didn't know what to do. I sat there with my stomach in knots.

Suddenly, I heard something in the distance.
A child's laugh, and another one.
But where could it be coming from?
I dipped my toes in the water. It was surprisingly warm. Now my knees. Stomach. Chest. I looked down and saw lights. I immediately pulled my body downwards. Towards the bottom of the ocean. I don't know why, but I felt the urge.
I dived towards the bottom with my eyes open.
I looked with fright in my eyes. And sand, weeds and other things you'd run into with your eyes wide open underwater.

I was looking at a camp-out in birds-eye-view. Children were running around and parents were sitting down, roasting hotdogs. I saw the top of their heads move as they talked.
I was so shocked. My mouth opened in terror. Water rushed up my mouth and I spit it out and swam to the surface again.
I caught my breath.
Closed my eyes.
Tried again.
And this time, it worked.

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