Chapter 15

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I was in the library, finishing up my research. I looked up at the clock and decided to log off.

I picked up my purse and headed to class.

"Alright, now take out your textbooks please,"Mr. Helfson said.
I started shuffling through my desk and took out my English textbook.
Suddenly, a paper airplane darted for my head.
"What the h-"I mutter just before I open it.

"I know how to take you back to Florida,"it said. I didn't know who threw this at me, but I didn't hesitate to ask, "How?"
I threw the airplane to the back of the room, around the area it came from.
It flew back. "Meet me tonight. At your locker. Stay after school and I'll tell you,"it wrote. I folded the plane and stuffed it in my pocket.

After all my classes ended and school was over, I waited patiently at my locker.
After about 10 minutes, I started to leave. My 'secret admirer' was probably waiting.  I headed towards the door.
"Wait!"someone yelled.
I spun around and saw Jenessa.
"Jenessa?! What are you doing here?"I asked frantically.
"Ok. I saw you researching on the computers during lunch, and I was sort of a snoop and checked out what you were looking at every lunch instead of hanging with you and Talia,"she said. "I know what Florida is. I'm from there too. So is Talia."
"Really? No. You must be kidding!"I said.
"Really! I was swimming one day, at the beach. Talia and I went all the way to the other side of the ocean and we freaking drowned! And woke  up in this whole other world. I know it happened to you to because nobody else would be looking for Florida but me or Talia. We've wanted to go home since we got here, which was a year ago!"

Now I know what your thinking, reader, "Wow. That escalated quickly." But it did! I didn't even have enough time to think. I pressed my back against a random locker, and slowly sat down on the floor. Jenessa came and sat beside me.
"I know it's a lot to take in, but I think with your help, we can get back home and act like nothing ever happened."
I sat and thought in silence.
"Well, what did you have in mind?Whats your big plan?"Does Talia know?"I asked all at once.
"I'm still working on it. Talia is helping me. Basically, we are going to try to go back home the way we left."
"Who have you been living with?"I asked. I had never been to their house because I had only been to school for a week.
"We've been in foster care. Nobody wants to adopt a couple of moody teenagers."
"I'm sorry,"I said.
She shook her head. "Don't be. At least not for long. We will get home to our actual parents and forget this whole incident ever happened,"she said.
"So you've been here for a year?"I asked.
"Yep. It was almost a year ago that we arrived to this new world,"she replied.

We sat in silence. Probably about 5
minutes, until-
"Hey, get on home, you two! School's over!"I looked over. The janitor clutched a mop and bucket, yelling at us.

We got up and we hightailed it out of there.

When I got to my car, I waved bye to Jenessa as she got in hers. I started to drive towards home, but then I remembered.
I floored it (not really) to the park.
Walking into the playground, I notice a red and white checkered blanket in the field behind the tennis court. I ran towards it. I was super late. I'm not usually late, but with Jenessa and her plan, I totally forgot about this 'date'.

As I got in better view, I saw a few things laid out on the blanket.
A picnic basket, vegetable platter, cheese, wine, and..... Harley, looking down, playing with the blanket.
He was dressed in a white tank and jeans. I laughed at the little clip-on bow tie he had attached to his shirt.
He looked up at me, hearing my laugh snapped him out of his trance.
He quickly stood up and motioned for me to sit down.
I sat down placed my backpack beside me.
"You're late, A,"Harley said. It was sort of a sigh, but he wasn't upset with me. He had his charming smile plastered on his face.
"A queen is never late,"I said. "Everyone else is simply early,"I laughed, quoting Princess Diaries.
"Alright, Princess, dig in,"he said.
He poured me a glass of wine and opened his picnic basket, revealing a box of muffins and some chocolates.
It was gonna be a good night.

Long chapter!!! Sorry for lack of updates! :/ Lots of plans this summer. This ones for you, Amanda :P :)

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