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Allison stopped in her tracks when she realized she still didn't know the mans name, while he seemed to know hers. "What's your name?" She asked him, making him stop walking and turned around. He gave her a small smile.

"Benny Watts."


"Suits you." Allison commented as they started walking again. "Yours suits you too." He quietly said, just loud enough for her to hear. "Thank you." She smiled at the compliment. They approached the big building with a sign saying 'Stables'. "You ready to meet your companion?" Benny asked her. She gave him a small nod and followed him into the building. Both sides of the building were lined with stables going all the way to the back of the building. She watched as Benny sometimes gave a horse they passed a pat on the head. Until he eventually stopped in front of a stable. "Here we are." He smiled at her.

'Hades' Read the name plate on the stable. "Like the god of the underworld?" She asked, curious to why they called him that. "Yes, he's pretty cheeky, but I heard you've ridden before so you'll be able to handle him." Allison looked into the stable, wanting to know what her new companion looked like.

She was completely star struck by what she saw. A huge friesian stallion was looking back at her, a hint of mischief evident in his eyes. "He's gorgeous." She turned around to look at Benny, realizing he had suddenly dissapeared. Without any hesitaion she decided to open the stable to take a better look at the horse. As soon as she stepped into the stable the animal came towards her, in a way he looked a bit threatening but she wasn't afraid. Being afraid of him would never do her any good. Instead she just stood there, holding out her hand. Letting him decide if he was going to trust her or not. After waiting for a while she looked at the horse, he had turned away from her. A bit disappointed she stepped out of the stable and closed the door.

Allison had been walking around the ranch for a while now, searching for Benny to maybe show her around more or just take her back to her hut. Eventually she just gave up. She sat down on a bench and soaked in the nice weather. It was early spring, the sun was out but it wasn't hot, not too cold either. It was just right. She could've sat there the entire rest of the day en she would've been okay with it. Until something blocked the sun rays from hitting her face. She opened her eyes and was met with Benny's. He was sitting on a brown horse, a Mustang she guessed.

"You were gone so I thought I'd just sit here." She put her hand above her eyes, blocking the little bit of sun that was still shining in her eye. "And i expected you to be on Hades by now." He replied. "Not yet, I have to get him to trust me first." Benny stared at her for a bit before he replied. "I guess you have a point." She gave a short nod. "Well i'm gonna put Oakley away, wait here?" He didn't wait for an answer and clicked his tongue to make his horse, Oakley apparently, move. She closed her eyes again, enjoying the sun once more.

When she felt someone sit next to here she kept her eyes closed, assuming it was Benny. It stayed silent for some time until he broke it. "There's more to do here than just sit in the sun." She felt his eyes on her. "I know, it's sad no one's showed me what exactly there is to do." She opened her eyes and looked at him. He seemed to be at a loss for words, looking at her with an apologetic smile. "Yeah I'm sorry about that." She smirked. "You better be." He stood up, holding out his hand for her to take. "I'll show you right now though?" She took his hand a stood up. "Why not."

After showing her around Benny walked her back to her hut. Making sure she knew his hut was right next to hers, so if she needed him she just had to knock on his door and he'd be there. After assuring him she got it, he went into his hut and she went into hers. When she looked around her hut once more she noticed a door leading to a little outside seating area. She grabbed a blanket since it was quite cold and wrapped it around her shoulders. She stepped outside, the area was quite dark so Allison took note to buy some fairy lights to put up out here.

As she lit up a cigarette she looked at Benny's hut. One of the windows was open and curiosity got the best of her, she moved around a bit so she could look inside his hut. She saw him making out with a girl. From what she could see the girl was quite pretty. She had short, auburn hair which was pretty much the only thing she could really see, but Allison liked the color. She watched them for a bit longer, confirming her suspicions of Benny being a player. After a while she started feeling like she was intruding on their moment so she looked away, blowing out a big puff of smoke.

About an hour and 3 cigarettes later she heard a door open. She looked around, seeing the auburn haired girl walk out on Benny's patio. She gave Allison a small nod before turning away, taking a sip of the drink she had been holding when she came out. Allison looked away, not paying any attention to the girl anymore. After another hour she got up, walking back inside and letting herself fall onto the bed. She checked her phone, the reception was pretty bad here so in the end she couldn't really check anything.

When she was almost asleep a knock on her door woke her back up. She let out a big yawn, getting up to open the door, curious to see who it was at this hour. To her surprise she saw Benny, he looked up at her. "I need your help." She looked at him with a puzzeled expression. "Excuse me?" Allison was confused, he reeked of alcohol and probably didn't even know what he was doing but she decided to play along. "It's Beth, I don't know what happened she just fell.." She cut him off. "Let's go then!" She quickly took her coat from the coat rack and slipped on a pair of sneakers. She followed Benny to his hut, he opened the door for her and she immediately saw what he meant. On the floor was the auburn haired girl, Beth, she was unconscious and to be honest, Allison also had no idea what to do. She looked at Benny and then back at Beth, she sighed, walking towards Beth and carefully lifting her up. She put her down on Benny's bed, pulling the covers over her. "Just let her sleep here." She looked around the hut, noticing Benny didn't have a couch. She looked at him, he was clearly drunk and she didn't want to leave him alone so she did something she never thought she'd do.

"Wanna sleep on my couch?"

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