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She put her baggage down, bits of dust flying up as she did. Behind her the bus started driving away. All she wanted to do was get back on that bus and let it take her anywhere but here, sadly she couldn't.

She flicked her cigarette bud away and sighed, grabbing her bags and looking at the ranch. "Guess this is it" she thought. She walked through the gate looking around curiously at all the animals she saw.  A few chickens walking around freely, some cows and sheep in a pasture and a lot of horses.

As much as she didn't want to be here, she did look forward to riding. It had been ages since she'd sat on a horse. When her parents found out she was getting riding lessons while they thought she was learning to play the piano, they were furious. They couldn't believe their daughter didn't want to follow in her mothers footsteps of becoming a famous pianist.

Thinking about it she realized how weird it was that her parents were against horse riding but sent her here. Frankly she wasn't exactly sure why her parents even sent her away. She knew her behavior wasn't what they wanted it to be. Going out, smoking, drinking pretty much everything her parents didn't want her to do. But would they really send her away because of that?

Her train of thought got interrupted by someone calling her name. "Allison?" A nice looking woman stood in front of her. Allison guessed her to be in her forties, the woman wore the typical ranch clothing. "That would be me." She answered the woman, who still hadn't introduced herself. Luckily she didn't have to wait long until the woman introduced herself. "Awesome, my name is Pamela, I own this ranch. We're so glad to have you here, it's always so busy around this time so we could really use your help."

Pamela gave her a warm smile and started walking. "Come on, i'll show you the sleeping quarters." Allison smiled at the thought of sleep, she hadn't slept since she got on the bus the previous day and she felt like an absolute zombie.

The sleeping quarters were quite charming, little huts all built next to each other. Every hut had it's own mailbox with the last name of the person living there neatly painted on there. When Pamela and Allison got to her hut she saw that to her surprise her last name was on her mailbox already. "Welcome to your new home!" Pamela said, walking up the few steps and opening the door for Allison to enter. "I'll let you get settled in now." Pamela gave her a small wave and closed the door.

Allison looked around the hut, a small kitchen and living room with a tv. She walked over to the first door she saw and opened it. A bathroom just like any other, a toilet, sink and shower. The next door she opened turned out to be a storage closet, always comes in handy. The last door she opened was the bedroom. It wasn't too big but big enough for a double bed, a dresser and a standing mirror in the corner. There wasn't much decoration in the hut, not that Allison minded. She was hoping on not staying here for too long anyway.

She left most of her bags in the living room but
took one to the bedroom to get changed into something more comfortable. After doing so she let herself fall on the bed. She kept telling herself
to not fall asleep but after a little while she fell asleep anyway.

Allison awoke by the sound of her bedroom door opening. Thinking it was her mother coming in to scold her about staying in bed for so long she was about to sit up until she realized she wasn't at home. She kept her eyes shut tight, knowing she had nothing to defend herself with she decided her best bet was to act like she was asleep. The footsteps from the person who just entered the room came right for the bed. She felt the person sit down and waited for them to try something on her. But nothing happened. She opened one of her eyes slightly, seeing a man sitting on the bed. She couldn't see his face clearly because of the cowboy style hat he was wearing.

Suddenly he nudged her a bit. She decided now was probably a good time to fully open her eyes. She sat up and looked at the man. "Excuse me but why are you in my room?" She could've said something else along the lines of calling him a perv, but he didn't seem to be one so being polite seemed the way to go.

He studied her for a while, taking her facial features in before responding. "Im here to give you a tour of the ranch. You left the door unlocked so i thought you'd be awake." She sighed and got up, asking the man to get out of her room so she could get dressed.

They walked in silence. Past all the huts to what looked like a stable. She took a pack of cigarettes from her pocket and lit one. She caught the man looking at them and decided to offer him one. "You want one?" "Sure." He answered. She handed him a cigarette and her lighter, she watched as he lit it. The rest of the walk was quiet. Just them walking side by side occasionally blowing out some smoke.

Allison stopped in her tracks when she realized she still didn't know the mans name, while he seemed to know hers. "What's your name?" She asked him, making him stop walking and turned around. He gave her a small smile.

"Benny Watts."

𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙬𝙚𝙨𝙩 ☠︎︎ 𝘽𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙮 𝙒𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now