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!! TW; SEXUAL THEMES (no smut)!!

Benny let out a soft chuckle, getting up to follow the girl down the hallway. From that moment he knew he wanted to be with her even though he probably never could be, because he finally realized that everything seemed to be a game to her.


The town they were in was pretty calm, people were just going on with their daily lives not paying much attention to the two strangers. Suddenly that all changed, hoof beats came closer, people immediately stopped what they were doing and ran inside their homes. Some came out holding guns while others stayed inside to probably watch the children.

The two friends looked at each other, both sensing the trouble that was coming as well. They ran into their hotel room, quickly fetching their guns to help the towns people defend themselves.

Benny gave Allison a concerned look. "Are you sure you'd want to be out here and not shoot from inside?" Allison scoffed at his question, sure she appreciated him being worried for her but she knew she could do this. "I'm a woman Benny, not incompetent" She told him before focusing on what was approaching the village in the distance.

"It's Griffin!" They heard someone call out. "I thought we shot that ass last time" Benny growled. "Guess he escaped" Allison replied as she cocked her gun, ready to shoot at anything that moved.

Soon enough it started to rain bullets, they were coming from every angle hitting quite some people. Luckily Benny and Allison both had a good shot, making it easy for them to shoot enemies without being hit themselves. Allison suddenly got up, standing in the line of fire which suddenly came to a halt when people saw her. She heard people whispering about her being a woman, even their enemies seemed to be stunned. Taking that to her advantage she started shooting their enemies, quickly and precisely. She quickly ducked back down when everyone got out of their daze and started shooting again.

As soon as the bullet shower started it ended. Griffin had once again fleed the scene, leaving Allison wanting to kill him even more now. She had only seen the man twice but even after the first time she knew she did not agree with anything that this man stood for, making it her mission to kill him.

Benny on the other hand could only look at Allison, not knowing if he was mad at her for putting her life on the line or happy that she's still alive. Deciding to go with mad he walked up to her, ready to scold her. "Jesus Allison, why would you put yourself in danger like that?" He asked her, anger dripping from his voice. Allison turned around, looking at him like he had just asked her the weirdest question he could think of. "What do you mean?" She asked him, thinking he should've been glad that she managed to shoot quite a few guys while everyone was stunned. "Clearly you have no idea what you're doing! Who puts themselves at risk like that? Especially a woman!" Allison felt herself getting mad, she was completely done with Benny making it sound like she could do absolutely nothing. "You know what Benny? I knew exactly what i was doing even though I've never done something like that before. I knew the risks and was willing to take them so who are you to stand here and lecture me like i'm some small child?" She lashed out at him, not waiting for any response as she turned on her heel.

When Benny entered the room he saw Allison, her stuff all packed up. She was obviously getting ready to leave, without him. Benny felt his heart crack. He knew it wasn't his place to lecture her like a child but he knew he wouldn't be able to bear it if she got hurt.

𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙬𝙚𝙨𝙩 ☠︎︎ 𝘽𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙮 𝙒𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now