Chapter 38

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Steve couldn't concentrate anymore. His mind was thousands of miles away every time he tried to do something. He couldn't go to school because he always thought about one specific person. He couldn't eat or sleep anymore and he thought he was going completely insane.

It had been two days since Sam had shown up at his house with an almost passed out Bucky, who had immediately told him an unbelievable story. The blond had questioned him twice before actually allowing himself to believe it. It wasn't the fact that he didn't trust Bucky, he just didn't want to believe him.

He felt guilty knowing that Tony had seen him. He felt incredibly scared and regretful when Bucky told him about what Tony had said, and he literally just wanted to go home and make everything right. He wanted to go back in time and fix things, to erase time and change everything that had happened that day. He was so sick of himself for being such a moron and letting Peggy kiss him. He should have known that Tony would have followed. He knew that guy far too well by now, and of course Tony had followed them. Of course he had seen them.

And that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that Tony had been abused and kidnapped. He had been beaten up in a dark alley without anyone's knowledge, alone and weak as he hadn't eaten so much the latest days. If Steve hadn't kissed Peggy, it wouldn't have happened.

If Steve hadn't kissed Peggy, Tony would be in his arms. He would be safe. Not somewhere out of reach or contact with dangerous and bad people, who out of nowhere grabbed a teenager from the streets.

The cops were looking for him, but with no sign of footprints or leads that could explain where the kidnappers had gone. They tried to follow the trails of the car, but the rain, which had started falling later that night, flushed away and covered all the tracks. Bucky had been interrogated, as he was the only witness of the crime scene.

"What exactly did you tell the cops?" Steve asked with a low voice. He, Sam, and Bucky were sitting at one of the restaurants near the beach. None of them were in the mood for school right now, it was Friday after all.

Bucky met his eyes while poking a little in his uneaten french fries. "What I told you, obviously." Bucky said with a bored voice.

"Did you leave anything out?" Steve asked.

"No I didn't." Bucky said with a raised eyebrow, Sam watched them carefully while taking a sip from his soda. "Why? Does it matter?" Bucky asked with a casual voice.

Steve shrugged. "I guess I'm just confused why the cops haven't found a lead yet." He mumbled, his eyes traveling down to his untouched food. He had lost his appetite more than once this week, so it wasn't a surprise that he didn't eat anything.

"I'm sure they're doing everything they can." Sam assured him, trying to give him a small smile, but failed terribly. The blond looked at him with sad eyes before returning to his staring contest with his food. "Or not." Sam said instead as the look he got from his friend made him close his mouth.

"Do you know anything about his dad? You know, has he reacted to his son's disappearing?" Bucky asked carefully, not daring to speak any louder in case Steve would get some weird ideas or even have a breakdown.

Steve looked up at him with a small scoff. "I doubt that. He didn't even contact Tony after blaming him for the death of Maria."

Bucky nodded slowly before returning to his food again, not knowing what else to say as the blond once again returned to his endless circle of thought. They all fell into a deep silence, all three of them letting their thoughts run wild while the huge tv playing in the background. Steve, who sat perfectly in front of it, threw a quick look at the screen, only to frown in irritation when he spotted a picture of his boyfriend.

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