Chapter 2

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The first day had gone pretty great, to be honest. Steve had made two new really good friends, met some of the teachers, and had almost gone through the first day. Which he thought was going to be the worst of them all. Now it can only get better.

There was only one more thing he wanted to do before going home. Which was to go and talk to Stark. Of what he has heard, Tony wasn't really the first person you spoke to. According to Bucky, Tony Stark had grown to be an asshole since middle school. Apparently, the two of them go way back, together with Tony's group of friends. This of course made Steve curious and he couldn't hold his questions to himself. What was Stark like? Were you friends? Was he popular back then?

Bucky had ignored all of them. He had told Steve to stick to the people who actually had any interest in getting to know him. In which Steve had asked teasingly "how do you know Stark won't like to know me?". This had caused Sam to laugh and Bucky to look at him with bored eyes.

So now talking to Stark was his next task. Just to see if he was the asshole everyone said he was.

He walked through the corridor on his way to the toilets, struggling a little because of the fact that he didn't know where they were. But when he finally found them he made his way inside, and who else stood there washing his hands if not the one and only Tony Stark.

Steve tried not to stop in his tracks and stare at him. He had no idea what was going on with him, but there was something with this guy that made him want to stare. There was something about him. Something strange, yet exciting, and Steve had no idea why he thought that.

Steve quickly pushed away all his thoughts, realizing that he had been staring way too long. Stark hadn't noticed though. He was too occupied with his phone to notice or even care.

Suddenly Steve saw a little metal thing laying on the floor. It was the same little object Nat had found at the skate park. He bent down and picked it up, holding it lightly between his thumb and index finger while looking at it interested.

"That's mine you know?"

Steve jumped as he heard Tony's voice cut through the air and caught his attention. The black-haired guy had turned around, arms crossed over his chest while looking at him intensely, but with a slight look of interest.

"I know, it's dropped it," Steve said with a little shaky voice.

"So why did you take it?" Tony asked with a raised eyebrow. Steve was taken aback by Tony's rude behavior.

"I was going to give it to you." He tried to explain himself, but Tony ignored him. He eyed him up and down a few times, just like Natasha had done earlier.

"Didn't your mom tell you it's wrong to steal?" He asked dryly as he slid his phone into his pants pocket.

Now Steve got angry. Ignore everything he said earlier, this dude was an ass.

"I was picking it up for you!" He said a little louder before he almost smashed it on the sink table. "If you excuse me, I have better things to attend to than talking to someone like you." He snapped, but Tony didn't change his facial expression. He remained a bitch.

Steve turned around and left the bathroom. He could find another toilet. He didn't want to be in the same room as that prick right now.


After he finally found a toilet and made his business, Bucky and Sam met him up outside the school. They were going to their soccer practice together and Steve was nervous. Plus he couldn't for some reason take his mind off Tony. There was something about him that made Steve curious. He wanted to get to know him more, he seemed so mysterious in some way. Even though he was an ass.

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