Chapter 43

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Everything was spinning. His head felt dizzy and his eyes blurry. His throat was so dry while his stomach growled in hunger. A second ago, he thought he was gonna die. It felt like the end had been near as the heartbeat, which he could hear in his head, beat calmly and sinfully. Almost like it tried to calm him down.

But here he was, alive. He was standing (not so straight but he was up on his feet) next to the person he had least believed was going to save him. It was almost too real to be true. At first, Tony had felt happy. He was so happy to finally get to see the person he was so in love with. But when every memory about what had happened between them came back, he didn't feel the same happiness anymore.

Tony saw how Steve's blue eyes widened in worry as he accidentally stumbled against the wall as he attempted to take a few steps.

"I can do it myself, thank you." Tony snapped when Steve tried to grab his arm as support.

The blond bit his inner cheek before stepping back. "Okay..sorry." The raven-haired ignored him before he pushed himself off the wall and with a shaky breath got out of the cell. Steve could only watch as he saw his Tony run over to the nearest sink in the room and desperately turned the water on.

"What did they do to you?" The blond asked with a low voice, looking at the younger teen as he almost drowned himself with the cold liquid.

Tony took a small break from his drinking and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Nothing." He responded before returning to the water again.

"What do you mean nothing?"

"I mean nothing. They did nothing."

Steve inhaled slowly. "So all the bruises-?"

Tony rolled his eyes, ignoring the blonds constant staring into his back. "Why do you care? It doesn't matter."

Steve closed his eyes. He recognized the snapping and the comebacks very well, but he hadn't heard them in weeks. He immediately connected Tony's acts with their first meeting at the toilets. And that time where Steve caught him in the bathroom while he was having a breakdown.

Tony scoffed at Steve's silence before moving over to the desk. He started digging in the different drawers, trying to find something.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked.

"How did you get in here?" Tony ignored Steve's question.

The blond sighed frustrated. "Bruce and I came from the basement. Now can you stop being difficult and come with me?"

"Wait, where's Bruce now?" Tony asked as his head snapped up as he was sitting at the desk chair. His brown eyes finally meeting Steve's again.

Steve took a deep breath, unsure about what was going to happen if he answered that question. He couldn't help but frown when he looked into Tony's almost black eyes. He was pale and tired, but the fire in his eyes was still there. The same fire Steve saw at the beginning of the school year.

"It was his idea." Steve said.

"Where is he?"

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do."

Steve sighed. "I'm not sure where he is, but I have a slight feeling that he's been caught."

Tony looked at him, his mouth in a thin line as he didn't want to believe that he just had heard. "You kidding." The raven-haired almost jumped to his feet, making Steve bite his teeth together.

"Tony, listen." Steve tried to explain as calmly as possible. But Tony interrupted him.

"No, you listen. You're telling me that you dragged the people I care most about with you, only to let Bruce get captured?" Tony asked, his voice very dark as he was on the brink of shouting. But he knew that yelling was not a good idea when there can be guards just outside the door.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now