Chapter 4

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It was the next day and Steve was already at school. He hadn't actually got any choice as the coach had announced the team to a meeting before the first classes, but he didn't complain though. He liked early mornings and the fact that he could start his day off with his new friends immediately made him very excited.

He was taking out some books from his locker while Bucky was leaning against the one next to him, complaining about how the meeting was the most boring shit he had ever experienced. Steve only smiled at him smugly and nod.

The corridors were rather empty because it was such nice weather outside and most of the students were outdoors. The sun was shining and the sky was deep blue. Perfect day for some soccer practice later, Steve thought.

He raised an eyebrow when he noticed how his friend was smirking for some unknown reason.

"What?" He asked with a laugh.

Bucky smiled at him. "Those over there are totally checking you out." He said and nodded over Steve's shoulder. The blond turned his head questioning, only to see a group of girls standing in a corner, giggling and whispering while looking at him now and then.

Steve smiled at them, finding it a little funny how they all made their staring way too obvious. The girls freaked out when his smile revealed his perfectly white teeth and they quickly returned to their whispering again. He rolled his eyes playfully before he turned back to his friend, who gave him a confident smile.

"What are you waiting for? Go talk to them!" Bucky said excitedly. Only to wrinkle his forehead when Steve shook his head. "C'mon Steve, you're lucky! " He said.

Steve shook his head again as he closed his locker. "I had to break up with my girlfriend when I moved here. I don't really wanna jump right into the next relationship immediately."

Bucky's smile faded. "Damn man, that sucks. Who was the lucky girl?" He asked and Steve grew a small smile on his face.

"Her name was Peggy." He said, thinking about telling his friend a little more details, but quickly stopped himself. He didn't want to think about it or talk about it. The wounds were still pretty fresh and he didn't feel like talking about it.

Bucky waited curiously for some more information but when it never came, he sighed and leaned back against the lockers again. They were quiet for a while before Bucky suddenly smiled brightly as Natasha came walking down the corridor. Her red short hair was straightened down to her shoulders and she was wearing a pair of fitted jeans and a black t-shirt.

"Morning losers." She greeted them with her normal cocky expression.

"Hi, Nat," Bucky responded to her shyly. Steve looked at him suspiciously with a smirk, knowing that look way too well.
The redhead leaned against the lockers nonchalantly and smiled at the brunette quickly before she turned to Steve.

"There's going to be a huge party at my place next Friday, you two better be there." She said and pointed between them demanding.

"That sounds cool, we'll come." Bucky said a little too fast, but Nat didn't seem to care. She just smiled at him.

Steve on the other hand wasn't sure. He has never liked partying or drinking for that matter. He always got drunk so fast and always did stupid things which he regretted in the morning. Plus he hated hangovers.

"I don't know Nat. What's the occasion?" He asked unsurely as he scratched his neck.

Nat rolled her eyes. "Right, how could you know. It's Tony's birthday, and I wanted to throw a little birthday party for him." She said excitedly. "He doesn't really celebrate so much and last year, he tricked us and made us think we all had the wrong date!" She explained and Bucky snorted.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now