Chapter 46

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"Anthony. Please get down from there."


"Please don't sweetie."

"I want to fly!"

Maria Stark sighed heavily before she sat down on her son's untouched bed. She wiped the back of her hand over her sweaty forehead and tried desperately not to fall asleep. It was already way past her four-year-old son's bedtime and she would do anything to lay down and take a nap herself.

"Tony please, mommy is very tired."

"But I'm not!" Little Tony cheered. His dark messy hair pointing in every direction as he tried desperately to climb higher up onto his wardrobe.

Maria sighed again as she removed a strain of her beautiful light-blond hair behind her ear. "Yes I can see that." She responded tiredly, still holding the action figure that her son had completely forgotten a few seconds ago in her hands.

"Do you think I could learn how to fly, mommy?" Little Tony asked thoughtfully,  finally reaching the top of his closet with the help of the other furniture in the room.

Maria smiled at him. "I don't think that is possible honey." She said with a small chuckle before getting up from the bed and reached out her hands. Wanting to lift him down from the high furniture. "Now come down so we can read a bedtime story."

Tony looked at his mother with his big brown eyes, finally giving in and letting her take him into her arms. "I'm not tired." He whined.

"Yes you are." Maria laughed as she could practically feel how her little son already relaxed in her arms and she slowly laid him down in his bed. "Now close your eyes and imagine yourself flying in the sky." She said with a warm smile spreading on her lips. The sight of her little boy made her heart melt and every little bad thing in the world was erased.

"But you said I can't fly." Tony said confused.

"But you can pretend." She said, stroking her finger over his young and flawless skin. "Everything is possible in your imagination."

"Do you think humans will be able to fly in the future?"

"We have airplanes." She suggested with a little giggle.

"But without airplanes!"

Maria laughed. She was always just as shocked as she was proud of her son's incredible mindset. He was always thinking about the impossible, and he was always open-minded about everything. He was incredible at solving his own problems and never asked for any help, except for the times he knew that he couldn't do something.

"You are just like your father." The woman laughed, running her fingers lovingly through his dark hair, making it more fluffy and messy.

Tony smiled proudly. "I want to be like him when I get older."

Maria smiled before shaking her head. "You will be better." She could see how Tony's eyebrows wrinkled at those words, his mind immediately starting to spin like a huge factory. Always working and developing at every new sentence he received.

Tony's mother giggled at his facial expression before bending down and placing a warm kiss against his forehead. Tony hummed lovingly, leaning in and smiling as his mother pulled away from him, her beautiful eyes looked at him with adoration.



She fell to the ground. Her blood covering the floor as a similar red substance escapes from the walls around him.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now