Chapter 3

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Music was playing in Tony's ears as he ride on his skateboard towards his dad's house. He took a sip from his energy drink as well as he did a turn and jumped up on the pavement, rounded some poles, and passed a couple of happy old women waving after him. He waved back quickly even though he had no idea who they were. Tony Stark was pretty popular in this town after all thanks to his dad, so it wasn't really a surprise that the old ladies knew who he was.

When Tony passed the beach he could see a group of girls sitting on a blanket in small bikinis, of course, they knew the playboy so they yelled after him and he winked back. No idea who they were but he had probably laid with one or two of them. Or maybe all of them.

When he finally walked up the stairs to his house he was met by a little brown-haired boy who was sitting in front of his door with an action figure in his hand. He was resting his chin against his hand and Tony tilted his head a little with an uninterested look.

He removed his headphones as he greeted his little neighbor. "Hey kiddo." He said and leaned against the railing. "Tough day?" He asked and the kid nodded, not looking up at the older guy.

"They are fighting again." He answered with a small voice.

"Yeah, I know the feeling..." Tony responded before ruffling Peter's messy hair while passing him. He pulled out his keys from his pocket and placed his skateboard against the wall. "C'mon, let's get you some ice cream." He said as he opened the door casually and walked in. The boy smiled and he followed him in.

Tony threw his heavy backpack on the floor as he made his way to the big kitchen with his hands in his pockets. "Hi Jarvis." He said as he saw the butler leaning over the kitchen counter while reading the newspaper.

"Welcome home Mr. Stark." He greeted him with a smile and watched him walk through the kitchen.

"Hi Jarvis!" The little boy cheered and Jarvis shone up.

"Hi there Peter." He said and cheerfully lifted him in his lap, placing him on the kitchen counter. "How are you?" He asked and Peter's smile disappeared.

"Mum and dad are fighting again." He explained and Jarvis nodded sadly.

"I am so sorry." He said but Peter just shrugged his shoulders. He was used to it by now and it was more of a habit to always come to Tony's house when it happened.

"Jarvis where do we keep the ice cream?" Tony asked and Jarvis laughed as it was right in front of Tony's nose.

"Why don't you pretend like you're not searching for it. Maybe you'll find it easier that way." He proposed teasingly before taking out the ice cream with a smirk.

"Here you go, Mr. Stark." He said and gave it to the teen. Tony only rolled his eyes as he grabbed it and gave it to Peter, who accepted it gladly.

"C'mon kid, you can play some video games while I do my stupid homework." He mumbled as he grabbed a spoon from one of the kitchen boxes and gave it to the kid who started digging in the delicious dessert.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ