Chapter 50

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Of every place Steve ever imagined himself to be in the future, this had never crossed his mind. He had seen himself go to college, go on wonderful and romantic dates with his future girlfriend, go to art school, travel around the world, everything. Well, apparently not everything. 

The visions he had created as a kid and the drawings of future possibilities could go to hell. Because none of those sketches or plans were even close to the truth. None of those nicely drawn pictures formed a vision of him in his bed, naked and comfortable, with a handsome guy. Not just a handsome guy, but a guy Steve had fallen for harder than a comet hitting through the atmosphere of the earth.

It maybe sounded a little cliche for Steve's taste, but watching the sleeping body next to him convinced him that it was definitely the truth.

The morning sun shot through the pale curtains and welcomed the two relaxed bodies with warm sunlight. The black mess of dark hair was the most noticeable thing from Tony's side, and Steve couldn't help but melt at the sight.

The duvet was pulled up to his partner's mouth where he was laying on his back, his nose sticking out and his dark eyelashes resting delightfully against his cheeks. Peaceful breaths were leaving his nostrils and he shifted a little in his sleep, causing his arm to fall over his head.

Steve smiled warmly while watching the other sleep deeply next to him. It felt a little creepy to admire someone in their sleep, but he couldn't help himself.

He carefully traced his long fingers over Tony's fluffy hair, brushing it out of his eyes and connecting it to the side. He slid his hand over Tony's pale arm, which was still resting on the pillow, stroking the nice skin and connecting their fingers.

The blonde couldn't help but smile a little. How could he possibly have hated this guy? Probably because he had been an arrogant, rude, and stubborn ass back then. Okay, he was still stubborn. So that hadn't changed a bit. But he was a lot softer. Kinder than before.

Maybe because this was the real Tony Stark.

"Are you done looking?" Tony asked with a low voice from under the duvet. His voice dark and groggy with sleep.

Steve smiled, once again tracing his finger over Tony's dark hair. "Nah, I need like one more hour." Tony snorted amused before slowly opening his eyes and watching Steve without turning his head.

"Morning," Steve said, causing Tony to close his eyes again. "No, you're done sleeping." The blonde joked and Tony smiled, snuggling his chin over the duvet so Steve could see his whole face.

"Five more minutes." Tony mumbled.

"Those five minutes will probably turn into five hours." Steve commented, causing the corner of Tony's mouth to twitch before he yawned widely.

The blond rolled his eyes before scooting closer to his boyfriend and placed himself between Tony's legs. He heard how Tony chuckled a little before giving the other more space to settle between his legs. Steve blushed a little at the feeling of their naked skin pressed together, but he didn't mind. They had been even closer after all, so this was nothing.

"Did you sleep well?" Steve asked, pressing a small kiss against Tony's cheek.

"M-hm," Tony murmured, his eyes still closed while Steve prepped wet kisses all over his face.

"And you're feeling okay?" The blonde asked with a smile, tracing his lips gently over Tony's jaw.

"My ass has had better days but other than that," Tony said nonchalantly, making Steve blush harder. "Never been better."

The blonde smiled at him before lowering his head, trying to capture Tony's lips again, but the raven-haired was quicker and placed his palm on Steve's forehead. He jokingly prevented him from kissing him by pushing the other's head upwards.

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