Chapter 45

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Didn't really have time to look through this chapter before publishing! So once again, if there are any words like "ege" or "congieynfks"..pretend like you didn't see it 😘 and I now realized that my autocorrect sometimes changes the words I write to something else.

Like "pain" turned to "lain" every time, so if there's any weird shit in the middle of a sentence..that's why.


"What is going on down there?" Steve asked with a quiet voice, leaning in over the table to take a closer look at the uplit screen. It felt like they've been sitting in the same room for hours, watching and questioning the situation at the front entrance. Jeremy shrugged his shoulders at Steve's question before pushing his chair away from the table to stand up and stretch his back.

None of them had said more than a couple of meaningless words to each other, and no one had made an attempt to sneak out from the building either. They knew that the place next to Jeremy was probably the safest in the whole factory, and they desperately waited for him to let them go. Because -believe it or not- he had actually refused to let then go when Steve took command and tried to take a look into the corridor. It ended with all four of them sitting in front of the computers with waiting looks on their faces.

Tony had already lost his interest as he was casually laying back in a chair, throwing a look at the camera from time to time. Bruce was standing next to him with his eyebrows wrinkled as he refused to look away from the two people on the computer.

"Is there a microphone on this thing?" Steve mumbled impatiently while looking down at the keyboard, his pale fingers tracing the edge of the table with thoughtful movements.

"Relax," Jeremy said. "This will all be over in a few seconds. Stark is probably here to discuss money." The man said, his dark eyes watching the blond with a tired look.

"I don't think so." Tony said with a low voice. "I know my father, he's probably trying to find a loophole." He said with a stone-cold look on his young face. Jeremy let his sight travel over Tony's emotionless expression before sighing.

Steve who had been listening to two of them, turned to Tony with a small frown on his face. "You don't think he's trying to help you?" He asked, more as a conclusion than a question.

Tony's deep brown eyes met the blond's before he turned to the screens again, not answering the question. And Steve understood him. Tony may have returned his love, but it didn't mean that the awkward atmosphere between them wasn't there. Steve still felt guilty because he didn't know if the raven-haired had forgiven him. He was aware of the hesitant looks he got from Bruce time-to-time. How his eyes moved from Steve to Tony again and again with an unreadable expression on his face.
Jeremy noticed it too. And if they would be among their friends, they would also notice.

"What's happening?" Bruce asked with a sharp voice, causing Tony's head to snap up as he took a look at the screen where his father was standing. He narrowed his eyes when he saw how Anderson gave his dad a smug smile before turning around and returned to the building.

Jeremy raised an eyebrow. "I don't know," he responded, his hand immediately reaching for his walkie-talkie to make sure that everything was under control. But before he turned his back to the teens, he looked Tony straight in his eyes. "Don't do anything stupid." He said.

The raven-haired raised an eyebrow at him before giving a small thumbs-up, and Jeremy could finally turn around.

"Is he your dad now?" Steve asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

Tony looked at him with a bored look. "Jealous or something?"

"Why would I be jealous?"

Tony shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe 'cause you're always telling me what to do."

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