Chapter 57

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So hi guys, or the ones who are still connected with this story that I finished a few months ago. I've been thinking and reading through this book and felt so unsatisfied with the ending. Not because I believe it's bad, but because I don't think I'll have time to write a whole new book. So this is basically the new ending of this book. Hopefully a better one idk.

So let's see where this goes and if I remember how to write these characters!

Year 2031

The crowd of people outside the huge building was loud and cheerful. Cameras could be seen in every corner and the red carpet leading up to the entrance was surrounded by nice-looking people, although the carpet was rather empty as all the guests had already arrived. But there was still one person who hadn't arrived, someone that no one had expected to come. Mostly because he was supposed to be dead.

"Okay make way, move please I'm a security guard professionally and privately hired by Tony Stark. Yes, you heard me now move!"

A woman with short-cut hair looked at the big man with a narrower forehead. He had accidentally pushed her in her back, causing her to almost fall against the cameraman in front of her. "Then what are you doing out here?" She asked annoyed.

Happy Hogan turned to her quickly, his tough expression changing at the sight of her. "Sorry ma'am, didn't mean to... you know- whatever." Happy stuttered awkwardly before remembering his mission and he stubbornly made his way through the crowd towards the open doors of the building.

"Damn it, this is the last time Tony, the last time!" He muttered to himself before finally reaching the doors.

"Last time for what?"

Happy looked up at the person who had spoken, his angry muttering ending as a relieved look appeared on his face. "Officer Rhodes, finally someone I know."

James Rhodes tilted his head in suspicion while raising his eyebrow. He had a glass of champagne in his hand while he stood at the entrance of the door, his other hand casually in his suit pocket. "Is there a problem Happy?" He asked, eyeing the man up and down a few times before his eyes landed on the office bag under Happy's arm. The man seemed to notice the glare because he cleared his throat and hid it behind his back.

"What's that?" Rhodes asked. Happy opened his mouth to answer but closed it quickly, thinking through what to answer.

"Uuh-" Happy stuttered before laughing nervously. Rhodes raised his eyebrow and took a sip from his champagne, watching the other man intensely. "It's private Stark business." Happy finally said.

Rhodey raised both his eyebrows. "Private Stark business?"


"Stark business?"

"That's what I said." Happy said and Rhodey looked even more suspicious. "Do you know where he is?" Happy asked after a few seconds of awkward silence.

Rhodey looked him up and down a few times, making Happy even more nervous as he shifted a little where he stood. But finally, Rhodes smiled and nodded his head in the right direction as he turned on his heel and made his way inside. Happy sighed in relief before he followed the Air Force officer. Finally inside the main hall full of well-known and famous people, Happy spotted the man he was looking for in the bar area. He took a step into the hall but stooped in surprise when someone had placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you have a card?" A man in a suit and black glasses asked him.

"Card?" Happy asked and turned to Rhodes.

"You don't have a passcard?" Rhodes asked surprised and Happy looked at him confused.

"No I don't, Tony said I didn't need one-" Happy cut himself off in realization. He looked into the room and watched the famous billionaire with empty eyes. Rhodes looked at him, then and Tony, and back again, slowly starting to understand that apparently the billionaire hadn't spoken the truth.

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