Chapter 15

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The crowd was cheering with excited voices and spreading a choir of yells through the platforms and onto the field. Creating a joyful and nice atmosphere in the arena. The tall lights that dissolve the green grass into big cozy rays blinded Steve's eyes lightly and he closed his eyes for a second. Trying to regain control and stamina before opening them again. Full focus on what was happening in front of him.

The game would soon be over and they had less than twenty seconds to score before the bell would ring and the counts stand equal. They had to score. They just had to.

Steve took a deep breath through his nose, letting the slightly cold evening air fill his lungs before he took his chance by sprinting towards his opponents. His side hit the other player forcefully, which made him trip and lose balance for a few seconds, which were enough for Steve to gracefully move the ball to his feet.

The applauds and cheers got louder and louder the closer he got to the goal. Adrenaline and victory ran through his veins while his long legs moved faster than lightning. The goal only got closer and closer. Meters by meters he came closer to victory and pride, knowing that this will be remembered for a very long time.

His teammates were cheering at him while the sounds got louder and louder until he suddenly was completely alone on the beautiful green grass.

And from out of nowhere, he heard a loud crackling sound. A sound that made his eyes widened while the heartbeats of his heart echoed in his ears. The ball was gone and he fell slowly and gently towards the ground. The cracking sound still clear in his mind as his body hits the ground.


Sweaty and panting Steve threw his upper body off the white sheets. His eyes wide and his chest rising up and down in a fast tempo as small drops of sweat were covering his naked chest and forehead.

"God.." Steve whispered to himself as he wiped his face with his slightly pale hand. He wasn't usually the one who got nightmares. At least not dreams like this.

He shook his head to himself before throwing the covers off of his overly sweaty body. Swallowing a few times as his whole throat felt like a desert.

It felt so odd to have a dream like that. More because of the feeling he had got made him terrified. Seriously terrified. When he had laid on the grass, hearing the cracking sound from his leg and all the voices that surrounded him, he had been so close to almost crying. It was so scary and the fear of not being able to walk again made his head hurt.

He knew that the chances of that happening were at a minimum. But still...

He stood up on wooby legs and slowly walking up to his bathroom, opened the bathroom door with tired eyes. He blinked irritated as he turned the lights on and the yellow light hit him like a fricking meteoroid. He had no idea what time it was, probably like 3 AM or something. It didn't matter, he was still tired as fuck and would jump right into bed again. He just needed to clear his head.

He grabbed a cup and watched with heavy eyelids as the cold water filled it before connecting it to his lips. Swallowing down the cold liquid with a satisfied hum.

After two cups of water, he finally felt pleased and put it down on the sink again. His eyes meeting his own as he looked at his reflection, shivering as his body started to freeze from all the sweating. He traveled his hand over his six-pack, wiping off most of the drips before cleaning his hand under the water. Too tired to grab a towel and clean his skin.

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