Chapter 9

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Steve whimpered in pain as he slide his shoe off of his hurting foot, trying to remove his white sock and shin guards from his leg. He looked at the skin worryingly, one thought in mind which begged "please don't be broken" over and over again.

He hadn't even noticed how Tony had got an ice bag from one of the first aid kits and walked up to Steve, kneeling in front of him and putting the cold bag down on the floor and lightly grabbing Steve's foot.

"W-what are you doing?" Steve asked shocked which made Tony raise one eyebrow.

"I'm checking your foot to see if it's possibly broken?" He asked and Steve raised his eyebrow in surprise.

"You know how to do that?" He asked and Tony half-smiled at him.

"Well obviously..." he responded before pressing his finger at a particular spot on his foot making Steve yelp in pain and closed his eyes. "And I found the source of the pain." He smirked before placing the cold ice against that sore area. Holding it there for a while.

Steve just watched him in awe and confusion. Just a couple of hours ago this guy had told him how much he hated him, why was he so kind now?

"Why are you helping me?" Steve asked, his blue eyes trying to read the other person without any success thanks to those fricking glasses.

Tony shrugged. "Don't know. I guess I kind of owe you..." he answered casually.

Steve smirked. "Banner told you to come, didn't he?"

"How did you know?" He asked and Steve rolled his eyes playfully.

"Just a feeling." He responded and Tony looked at him casually, but Steve saw a sudden change behind the glasses which made him irritated.

"Are you rolling your eyes again?" He asked, faking the offending sound of his voice.

Tony raised one eyebrow. "Seriously? How can you see it?" He asked.

Steve shrugged with a smirk. "Guess it's a hidden talent of mine." He joked, only to bite himself in the lip when he had moved in the process, causing his foot hit the floor under him.

Tony removed the ice and eyed the foot a few times before giving the small bag to the other guy. "I don't think it's broken, it doesn't look swollen or any signs of- you know...broken bone." He said casually and Steve gave out a relieved breath as he placed the cold ice on the injury.

"Thank God." He mumbled with a deep sigh. Not knowing what to do if the damage would be any worse. He saw how Tony stood up without looking at him and turned around to wash his hands.

"Where did you learn all of that?" Steve asked curiously with a smirk, wanting to know more about this weird and mysterious guy. He seemed so cold in the beginning, but he had shown a side of himself Steve didn't even know existed.

Tony kept his sight down at the water as he washed his hands longer than necessary. Not knowing what to answere.

"I just know." He answered shortly, closing his eyes behind his sunglasses when he heard how Steve sighed.

"You just know? C'mon just tell me. Did you take an extra class in medication or something?" The blond asked, Tony sighed irritated, and turned the water off. He reached after a paper towel to dry his hands.

"It's none of your business Rogers. Just drop it." Tony said dryly.

"Oh so we are back with the attitude?" Steve groaned sarcastically.

Tony raised an eyebrow at him. "Just because I know how to handle an injury doesn't mean I'm a fricking doctor." He said irritated.

Steve held up his hands in defense at the sudden change of mood. "Hey I was just asking."

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