Chapter 12

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New day. New possibilities.
That's what Steve's mom literally punched into his head when he was a little kid. She always came with happy comments and positive vibes in any situation. That's kind of where Steve had got his good side from.

He is known for being a really positive guy, but this Friday morning, he just wanted to die. Yes, he had been at the doctor this morning, which meant that he was a little later in school than usual. Like three hours later. But that's fine.
It could have been worse. The doctor had told him that his foot was in fact not broken. Thank God for that.


He also had recommended to not go for the tryout on Monday.

Steve groaned irritated as he sank the volume on the radio before throwing a quick glance at his father Joseph. He was working at home that day so driving Steve to the school was not a problem.

"Are you okay?" Joseph asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm fine. A little disappointed but that's  it." Steve answered his father with a fake but assuring smile.

"Yeah I get it....but at least you're still on the team." Joseph said cheerfully, trying to make his son smile for real.

The blond sighed deeply. "You don't get it dad. So many people wanted me to do this. You should have heard Bucky's voice when I told him that I couldn't compete yesterday on the phone." Steve mumbled.

Joseph signed. "I get that it's important for you to make your new friends happy. But you need to take care of yourself too." He said comforting and turned the car to the left, driving in on the school ground.

"I just don't want to let them down." Steve explained as the car stopped.

His father nodded. "I know, but if they don't understand why you have to cancel...they are not the right ones for you son."

Steve nodded slowly before letting his mouth smile weakly. "Yeah...I know." He said and Joseph put a comforting hand on his shoulder with a small smile. Looking into his son's blue eyes before pulling away and placed both his hands on the steering wheel.

"Now go and do whatever you do nowadays." He smirked and Steve rolled his eyes before grabbing his backpack and stepping out of the car. Carefully placing his foot on the ground, which the doctor had wrapped in with a support bandage and a regular bandage around the sore area, to keep it straight as he walked.

It helped a lot and Steve smiled as he could walk a little better, still feeling a slight pain but not unbearable and he was able to live his day out.

"Mr. Rogers. Just in time." The teacher said with a smile as he stepped into his class. It was a woman with long blond hair tightened in a low ponytail and glasses on her nose. She seemed to be around 30 or something.

Steve nodded at her with a small smile before looking up, trying to spot somewhere to sit.

Suddenly the teacher sighed disappointingly and Steve looked back at her confused, only to realize that she was looking at someone else.

"Mr. Stark." She said and Steve followed her sight, only to spot Tony laying with his head in his hand and eyes closed.

He had glasses on today. Regular glasses which had moved upwards from his left eye where his hand was holding his head up. His long eyelashes touching his cheeks as he snored lightly where he sat.

Steve could hear how Clint, who sat in front of him with Bruce, chuckled while Bruce groaned slightly embarrassed. He lightly tapped his fingers on the table surface with his pen.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin