One for the Road

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Harry found himself staring at the mirror in his locker and patting his cheeks as his friends stood close. His cheeks had been a certain shade of red ever since Louis left last night.

His stomach was in knots and every time the sweet-talking footballer came to mind a wide grin spread over his face. It was like he was a drooling sophomore all over again.

"What are you doing?" Niall caught him as he attempted to circulate the blood in his cheeks to the rest of his face.

"Nothing. I just thought I saw a blackhead." He shut his locker.

"How dare your pores! The nerve they must have to not respect your sixteen-step skincare routine." Olivia poked his dimples as she jested to their friends.

"Sixteen steps?" Diana turned to him with a curious, but not necessarily judgmental, look.

"She's lying." He put his hand over Olivia's face. "A lot of the steps are repeats anyway."

"Waste of time if you ask me. I just use some Dial and call it a day." Niall raised his chin superiorly.

"And the worst part is he does have perfect skin." Olivia took a closer look at his face while Niall smiled smugly.

Olivia ran her hand over Niall's cheek to reiterate a point that didn't need to be made. Harry and Diana both gave each other a look like they were interrupting something. "Anyway," Diana whispered. "What's got you so...chipper?"

"''s nothing." He felt the heat in his cheeks rising.

"He's finally succumbed to the treacherous man-eater that stole his heart," Niall announced with zero subtlety.

"Hey!" Harry didn't stay up all night spilling the beans for it to come back and bite him in the ass like this.

"I'm allowed to talk shit. Best friend rights." He shrugged.

"So, you two really are together again? Officially?" Harry couldn't read the look in her eyes and she stared back at him with a blank expression.

"Yeah." He confirmed.

She smiled ever-so-slightly. "You're really happy aren't you?" She admired him for a moment before bringing him into a hug. "I'm happy for you." She whispered for only him to hear. "But I've got my eyes on him." Harry appreciated Diana's protectiveness, even if he knew she was way out of her element.

"Thanks, guys." He appreciated his friends for not giving him a hard time even after all they had been through.

Suddenly, they all stared at their feet and pressed their lips together. It was as if there was something they weren't saying.

He stared a little closer at their faces to figure it out when out of nowhere, he felt hands grabbing at his hips. For a moment he thought his soul left his body. He knew exactly who's hands were on his waist but it didn't stop his heart from pounding in his chest.

He faced the gorgeous human holding him with a giggle. His hair was still wet from his post-practice shower along with his eyelashes. They looked like shimmering stars atop a vast blue sea.

Harry had his hand pressed against his firm chest and was instantly brought back to only hours earlier. His breath hitched as he took in his sights.

"Morning, Angel." He smiled at him with a quiet hunger in his gaze.

Harry almost broke skin as he bit his lip. "Morning, babe." He greeted him lowly.

Niall made gagging sounds to break the tension but it didn't work. Harry couldn't keep his eyes off him and his gorgeous lips. God, he needed to be kissed.

"Is that the bell I hear, better getting going to class." Olivia took Niall by the arm and made him walk her to class. "See you guys."

They said their goodbyes and then immediately returned their attention to each other. "I didn't get a note this morning." Harry slid his hand under Louis's jacket and around his waist. "Am I no longer being courted?"

Louis smiled cheek to cheek as he thought it over. "I was under the impression that you had been successfully wooed." He pressed his lips together as he studied his boyfriend.

Harry put on a fake pout but kept his hands under the warmth of his lover's jacket. "I see how it is."

Louis reached inside his jacket and searched his inner pocket. He pulled out a thinly folded note and watched as Harry's face lit up. He held the crease of the note to his lips and smirked at the eager boy.

After a moment of teasing with just the playfulness in his eyes, he surrendered the note to him. "Spoiled," Louis mouthed before pressing him up against his locker.

Louis fiddled with the collar on Harry's shirt while Harry traced the shape of his boy's mouth with his eyes. "Will I see you at the assembly later?" Louis asked in a hushed tone.

"Front row, babe." He answered as if the answer was obvious.

"I think we should sneak out early," He suggested with his face impossibly close to Harry's. How was Harry supposed to think straight? "What do you think?" Louis' eyes flicked from his eyes down to his lips and made Harry's knees buckle.

Their lips were impossibly close and he couldn't think of answers, much less how this looked to everyone in the halls. "Mhm" was all he could say.

Louis let a half-smile come over his lips before he closed the space between them. He kissed him quickly but firmly, just a taste to hold them over, but once his lips were on his again Harry could see stars.

He pulled him in by the waist before Louis could break the kiss. Just a second longer. That was all he needed. The softness of his lips and the tickle of his stubble against his chin made the air around them feel scarce.

Louis pressed back a little hard and lit a fire inside him. Harry let out the softest of moans as Louis deepened what should have been a chaste kiss.

Before he knew what he was getting himself into he founds his fingers knotting damp hair. He opened his mouth ever so slightly but Louis took it as his cue to taste him. Harry's head was spinning.

He quickly put his hands to his chest and created some distance. "We're being obnoxious." He complained as he caught his breath.

"Think about how jealous they all must be." He laughed with a huskiness that was coated in honey.

That wasn't a thought that should have made him giddy but it was. Louis was all his and he knew that it was probably driving loads of boys crazy. They had something everybody wanted. He was drunk in love and didn't feel like hiding it.

Harry shook his head as he caved for his sweet-talking charmer. "Okay. One more."

Well, it's official.

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