Finders Keepers

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*About a year ago*

Louis took his seat at his new lunch table. Now that he was a junior his lunch period was in the same lounge as the seniors and it felt good to be sat with his fellow varsity members.

Louis, Liam, and Zayn wore their letterman jackets proudly. This was everything they worked for. A few of the popular sophomore girls snuck into their side of the lunch room but nobody seemed to mind.

Tito was the captain this year and he certainly didn't mind the attention from the younger students. "Looking good Tito. The position fits you well." Olivia complimented the fit boy.

"Please don't inflate his ego anymore than it already is." Anna complained about her brother's arrogance.

"Who told her she could sit here?" He gave his sister a hard time.

"She's with me." Olivia put her arm around the girl knowing that her word was final.

Louis was about to dig into his lunch when his beanie was being pulled over his eyes. Louis struggled to break free from his lunchroom attacker.

The blonde boy behind him broke out into an obnoxious laughter before fixing the hat on his head for Louis.

Louis was about to let his friend have it when he turned around and saw him standing beside a beautiful creature.

"Hey guys." Niall threw his unreasonably large lunch on the table next to Louis. "This is Harry. He's new this year. You guys don't mind if he sits with us right?"

Louis found himself clearing a place for the green-eyed boy instantaneously. Harry flashed him a small smile before taking his place next to him. Everyone at the table was eager to learn about the mysterious new beauty.

"Your necklace is so cool. Where'd you get it?" Olivia asked assertively.

Harry fiddled with the rings on his fingers feeling overwhelmed by the sudden attention. "Oh, I don't remember I think it was some boutique downtown."

"That gold chain is beautiful on you." Olivia admired the boys ability to dress himself.

"Where'd you move from?" Anna asked with a mouth full of salad.

"I moved in with my dad and sister I used to live like half an hour from here with my mom. I went to West-."

"Whoop! Nope! Lalala." Louis covered his ears as he interrupted the boy. "We don't say their name at this table."

Harry blushed at Louis' loud personality.

"They're our rival team." Zayn explained in a more sane approach.

"I don't know if we can trust this one." Tito gave Harry a skeptical look.

"Well, I hated that school. I hope you lot crush em'." Harry couldn't keep his eyes off Louis. Louis couldn't help but notice.

"You're alright, curly." Louis complimented him. "How's your first day been going?" Louis felt an instant need to protect the younger boy. It just felt natural.

"It's good. Everyone has been surprisingly really nice at this school." Louis smiled at the boy's innocence.

"You're a bit naive aren't you?" He pinched the boy's cheek until he smiled. "You're about the prettiest thing to walk through these doors since...well, this morning when I walked through them." The entire table laughed with Harry at the arrogant joke.

"I don't know. You are quite pretty Louis." Tito assured Louis he didn't have any competition.

Harry shifted in his seat, unsure of what to make of Tito's comment. He seemed nervous about stepping on the wrong toes. "He's harmless." Louis whispered.

"Hi, guys." A girl with wavy red hair and light green eyes approached the table.

Niall's smile instantly left his face. A sight Louis had only seen on few occasions. "Hey, Fran." Olivia took the lead. "Get a little too much sun this summer?"

The hesitant smile faded from the girl's face. "You know how us ginger's burn." She tried to ease the tension.

"Yeah, how unfortunate. I'd invite you to join us but we're pretty full and I'm sure you'd much rather eat with Jason." Olivia stared her down, while the table watched in silence. Olivia usually didn't have a mean bone in her body but when it came to her friends, she could be ruthless.

"Oh, yeah. Totally. I'll see you around. Bye, Niall." She tried to get his attention, but he pretended to be focused on his sandwich.

When he didn't answer Olivia raised her brows at the girl until she left. "Sorry you all had to see that." Olivia straightened out her shirt collar before returning to her food.

"Right then, have you put the claws away? You almost scared this one off!" Louis poked fun at her.

"Oh, please. She totally deserved it. I'm sorry you had to see that Harry. Francesca is Niall's Ex-girlfriend. She was a bit busy this summer if you know what I mean."

Niall threw his sandwich down. "Jeez Liv, I appreciate it, but c'mon. You know you don't have to treat her like that." Niall was hardly ever this serious for this amount of time and it started to concern Louis.

"It's alright, mate. You deserve better." He reached over Harry to give him a pat on the leg.

"Thanks, Tommo, you want my skittles?" He smiled with a mouthful of bologna sandwich.

Louis pressed his lips together in a tight smile. "I'm good, mate."

"I'll take em." Zayn reached over the table to snatch the pack.

"Harry, feel free to help your self to Niall's personal pantry. He packs lunches like he's expecting an apocalypse by fourth." Louis further explained the dynamic between the friends.

"Funny enough, there was a day where they sent the kitchen fire alarms off and the whole kitchen got shut down. This was taco Tuesday, remember? Our whole table was out a lunch." Liam started to recall the rare circumstance that Niall's abundance of food came in handy.

"And who saved all your hungry asses?!" Niall asked with his mouth full again and Harry found himself lost in his laughter.

"Maybe you wouldn't need as much food, Niall, if you didn't miss your mouth so much." Harry poked fun at the boy and the whole table let out a deep 'ooh.'

"Oh, I like this one!" Louis put his arm around Harry. "We're keeping him."


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