Try, Try Again

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Harry managed to steer clear of Louis today, although that didn't mean Louis wasn't everywhere. His new sweet-as-candy persona had everybody fooled. As if somehow, Louis was a patron saint and Harry was chopped liver.

Harry wasn't sure this whole thing was Louis being underhanded and continuing their game. He refused to believe that Louis was turning over a new leaf. He wouldn't fall for that again.

He just couldn't figure out what the end game was. Was he just trying to win back their friends? Was he trying to show Harry up? Or was he just distracting him?

He had no idea why he even gotten into these stupid games with him again. He'd just been so angry at him after what Lottie had said. He just wanted to feel like he had the upper hand for once. Now he's in deep again and he doesn't know what to expect.

"Hey, H." Liam greeted him at his table. Reese wasn't at school today so his study hall table had an open spot.

"H-Hey, Liam." Harry looked up at the brown-eyed boy with furrowed eyebrows. He wasn't upset that he was over at his table, just surprised to see him.

"Do you mind if I sit here today? I just... don't really want to deal with..." He gestured over to a sulking Zayn at his table.

Harry meant to say 'of course' but his focus was fixed on his glum friend. He wished there was something he could do to help them with whatever got between them. Harry knew how close those two were.

"We don't have to talk or anything," Liam offered. "I really just need a place to sit."

"No, of course." Harry shook his head and snapped out of his current thought. He scooted over for the older boy. "We can-We could. If you wanted to to...we could talk." Harry assured him as he settled into his seat.

"Really?" He turned to Harry. They were sitting awfully close since the bench they were sitting on was only meant for three people and there were four people sitting on their side of the table now. "You're not still mad at me?" He asked lowly.

"No." Harry gave him a sort of half-smile. Liam never really asked for his forgiveness but he gave it to him a while ago anyway.

"I would be." He rifled through the pages of his notebook so he didn't have to face Harry. "We were shitty to do that. I just wanted to help Louis, you know?"

Harry nodded his head. He understood. There was a time when Harry would do anything for Louis too. He had that effect on people.

"And, you know... I thought I was looking out for you too. I didn't know about everything. He never told me. I really thought you two would work it out." He shrugged his shoulders as he started copying down something out of one of his textbooks.

"So did I," Harry admitted.

Liam made a fist and nudged Harry in the leg. It was enough for Harry to know Liam was there for him.

"What happened with you and Zayn?" Harry had to know.

"Are you sure you want to know? I know Zayn's not a fan favorite over at your lunch table." He jested.

Harry chuckled nervously. He knew this was dangerous territory. Both of his friends were still cross with Zayn and as much as Harry wanted to be cross with him too he couldn't help but miss him. "I promise it won't leave this table." He assured him.

"Well, I appreciate it. I can't stand the guy right now but I don't know..." Liam explained.

"You just can't seem to stay mad at him for too long, can you?" Harry didn't know what was going on between the two friends but he definitely recognized the look in Liam's eyes.

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