Playing Dirty

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Harry checked his hair twice over in his tiny locker mirror. His small bouquet of red roses was losing its shape in his nervous hands.

He'd been talking to Diana for a few days now and as much as she insisted they were just friends he knew he had to make a grand gesture if he was ever going to get a chance with her.

Today was the day. Auditions. He knew how hard she and his friends have been preparing for today. Harry decided he'd show up early and surprise her with a supportive gesture.

He found her against her locker reviewing her lines with a focus that wouldn't falter. Her cherry lips mouthed every word with a crisp dictation.

Harry turned on the charm. He whipped out the bouquet with a flurry to catch her attention. Her face lit up. She was as red as the roses as she took in the sight of the arrangement. "I don't know what to say. You didn't have to- I mean... who even are you?" She giggled as she took hold of the flowers.

"I think you're going to do great today. I can't wait to see you crush it." He smiled wide at the girl.

"Thank you." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she scanned the hallway. Harry was unsure of what she was looking for. "I got a lot of last-minute prep to catch up on. Do you mind if I catch up with you later?" She hurriedly placed the flowers in her locker and grabbed her things.

"Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Good luck today." Harry watched her scurry off like he was nothing. Harry didn't quite understand where he stood with her. It reminded him of where he was a year ago. Fawning over the popular junior boy who didn't see him as more than a friend. Does he have a type?

Harry shrugged the behavior off as last minute nerves.

Harry was greeted by someone poking his dimple. "Somebody got a crush?" Niall used an accusatory tone.

"Too early to tell." Harry bit the inside of his lip and wondered what drew him towards the new girl. There was something about her that made him want to protect her.

"She's hot." Niall watched her walk down the hall with Harry.

Harry smacked Niall in the gut. He turned around to start walking towards his first class. "I don't know..." Harry pondered.

"What is there to know?" Niall pressed him on the matter.

"She's great. I really like her. I just..." Harry examined his reluctance. "It's stupid. I just keep expecting to feel the way I did when I first met Louis.  I mean everything was so clear." Harry couldn't explain it in a way that would make sense to his friend.

"Louis was your first real crush." Niall sympathized. "Of course it's going to feel different. That doesn't mean it's not right. Plus, I mean...the guy hurt you. Take it from me, that changes a person."

It was nice knowing Niall knew how it felt. It was hard not to take his advice at full value. "I got Theatre!" He slapped Harry's shoulder as he turned to part ways. "See you at auditions." He made an absurd face as he was backing away.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Harry already saw Niall's hilarious rendition of the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz playing in his head and he couldn't wait for the show.

Niall shot him some finger guns before turning away on his heel. 


The small auditorium was at about half it's capacity with friends there to lend moral support. The boys were still at practice but Zayn and Liam promised to be there for Niall's audition and Louis promised his sister he'd be there to see her in action.

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