Running From Your Problems

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Most of the lights in Olivia's house were already turned out. Harry knew well enough that if they so much as made a sound outside of Olivia's house her dad would let them have it.

"She's not picking up," Harry announced after the second attempt at reaching her. "Someone else try." Harry scanned the car for someone else willing to annoy the vulnerable girl.

"Not me." Zayn struggled to put his hands up as he was pressed up against the side of the car door and Liam's side.

"I don't think I could reach my phone if I wanted to," Liam added.

"It's not gonna be me," Louis answered as Harry stared him down a little too long. "You know it's not going to be me."

"Niall." Anna elbowed him. "It's gotta be Niall."

"Why's it gotta be me? I don't want to piss her off." Niall asked defensively.

Nobody said what they were all thinking, except for Louis. "For god's sake Niall, we all know you're in love with the girl. Give her a ring."

Harry gave Louis a stern look to ease up on the boy.

"Fuck you, Tomlinson. I'm not in love with her." He denied the accusation but nobody in the car was buying it. "And even if I was who says she feels the same?"

"I do," Louis assured him. "C'mon we haven't all night."

He huffed out a tired sigh before giving Louis a death glare. He unlocked his phone and scrolled through his recent calls until he saw Olivia's name. He held the phone close to his ear so nobody would listen in but there was far too much proximity between the group for any form of privacy.

The line trilled seven or eight times before she answered. "Hey. Hey, Liv." Niall's voice softened.

"I know you're with Harry. Tell him to leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyone about it anymore." She ordered him.

"What about me?" Niall tried.

"What about you, Niall?" She snapped.

Everyone in the car's face fell as they failed to pretend they didn't hear the harsh words.

"I'm here for you, Liv." He whispered in the phone.

"I'm...unloveable. That's what he said." Harry could hear her sniffling through the phone. "And he must be right because everybody hates me. I just can't get it right. So...why bother?" Her voice was faint and her spirit was completely broken.

"Screw him, Liv." Niall raised his voice. "He's an idiot. You have me. So, come outside so we can talk about it."

"I can't." Her voice cracked. "I'm never leaving this room so just go home." She hung up the phone.

Liam nudged Niall with a closed fist to show his support. "Now what?" Niall asked.

"Follow me." Harry un-clicked his seatbelt and climbed out of the car.

Harry lead the group across the street and through Olivia's yard. Once they were in the backyard Harry spotted her window.

"What's your plan?" Liam asked as they all stared up at her window on the second floor.

"This was actually as far as I got," Harry admitted.

Niall was ahead of both of them. He had already started picking out pebbles to throw at her window to get her attention. He missed by several feet. "The windows too high." He scoffed.

"Leave it to real athletes." Louis mocked him as he stuck out a hand for Niall to hand over the stones he had picked out from the garden at the side of the house.

Louis divided the stones amongst himself, Zayn, Liam, and Anna. Harry stuck out his hand to get a helping of the stones from Louis. "Sorry, baby. We got this." Louis was gentle with his rejection. Okay, yeah maybe Harry wasn't the most coordinated but Louis could have pretended not to notice.

The four of them started pelting the small stones at her window. Most of them lightly grazed the corners while a few hit the glass. There was no way she could miss it if she were in her room. She was ignoring them.

"Any other ideas?" Anna put her hands on her hips once she threw the last of her pebbles.

Niall, still holding his bag of goodies dug around for some more candy bars. He handed them to Louis and Liam since they had the best arms.

Liam chucked the KitKat and it just barely missed the window. Louis followed next and hit the window right in the center. It made a large thud sound. He threw a fist in the air and high-fived Liam. It was only extremely adorable to Harry.

Suddenly, the window was being lifted open. "What, Niall?" She whispered as loudly as she could. It took her a moment to notice they were all out there.

"C'mon Liv. We love you. Come outside." Niall pleaded with her.

Her face lit up as she saw all her friends huddled in her backyard.

"You guys are idiots." She laughed before shutting her window again.

Niall had a grin he couldn't hide even in the dark of the night. He started searching the borders of the house.

"Oi, what are you doing, Horan?" Louis called out.

"What does it look like I'm doing, Tomlinson? I'm looking for my KitKat." Niall rolled his eyes and continued his search.

Harry pulled out his phone and turned the flash on for Niall. Niall gave him an appreciative smile back.

Olivia walked through the damp grass barefoot, stepping lightly and cautiously until she reached them. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We want you to know that we have your back. We'll always be on your side." Harry put a hand on her shoulder as he proclaimed his devotion to his friend.

"Really?" She asked.

"Really." They all said in unison.

Harry threw his arms around her and brought her into a tight hug. Niall followed, then Anna, then Liam, then Louis.

Zayn stood to the side feeling out of place as the group hugged each other. Niall poked his head out to find out who was missing. "Get the hell over here Malik what are you doing?"

"For real?" A smile came across his face.

Louis pulled him in before he could think twice about it and they all held each other tight.

Suddenly, the back porch lights came on. "Shit, that's my dad!" Olivia warned them as she broke the hug. "Run!"

At the sound of her order, the seven of them started sprinting through the yard away from the house. Harry felt himself feeling a little winded but his second wind kicked in as he took a look at his friends around him, because they had stopped running from each other and were finally moving in the right direction.

There is one imposter among us.

Sorry I had to! Lol. I'm so obsessed with that game I hardly write.

ALSO, holy cow you guys are the best. I said it before but Your Addictive Heart hit the number one spot for Larry Stylinson AND gained over a thousand views in one night. 16K baby! I'm so beyond grateful and don't fully comprehend how this is possible! Love you guys SO much.

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love you lots!

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