That Night

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TW: Drunk + unsolicited advances

*about a month and a half ago*

Harry stopped them at the foot of the door. "It's not too late to forget about the party."

"Why? You don't want to go?" He took hold of his hand.

"No, I do. I just...I don't know. You've been giving off this, like...vibe. If what I said freaked you out, I mean we don't have to pretend..."

Louis squeezed his hand for good measure. "I want to be here. With you." He emphasized his words hoping they'd get through to the boy.

Harry tried to hide the grin on his face. "Okay."

Louis opened the door with one hand, still holding his boy with the other. They heard cheerful greetings come from every direction. All their friends were here.

This was going to be a good night. Louis had nothing to worry about. Yeah, sure he was in a serious relationship now and he completely one hundred percent expected to fuck it up, but yeah nothing to worry about.

Tito was the first to greet the pair. "How are you boys doing?"

"Good." Louis gave him a friendly smile.

"Good." He gave Harry a strange look. "Why are you wearing a jacket? It's August."

Harry froze up in his place, unsure of how to react to the confrontation. He wasn't good with Tito-type humor. "He's a freeze baby," Louis answered for him. "But I think he looks cute, like always."

Harry pressed himself closer to Louis' side with a smile.

"Okay." Tito huffed out. "Well, my room's right there if you want to take it off." He offered.

"Yeah, actually. Thanks." Harry left Louis with a kiss on the cheek.

"You look like you could use a drink." Tito grabbed him by the shoulder and led him to the kitchen before he could get a chance to refuse.


The night passed slowly. Louis was hyper-aware of everybody having fun aside from himself. He didn't get it.

How had Harry been so...fine? He had never been so alive, dancing like a damn fool with Niall. It's like nothing could get to him. How did this not mean more to him? Louis couldn't pretend it didn't.

Tito handed him another drink as he watched his boy dancing from the sidelines. "No thanks." Louis shooed the drink away.

"What's up with you?" Tito stepped in front of him,
taking his view away.

"I've just got a lot on my mind." Louis didn't feel the need to explain himself.

"Well, that's what this is for." Tito raised his eyebrows as he handed him the drink again.

Louis pondered the gesture for a moment before taking the cup and chugging its contents.

"Atta boy." He gave him a proud look. "Now this one." He handed him his own drink.

Louis hesitantly put the cup up to his lips. Tito gave him a reassuring nod, so he downed his drink too.

He put a hand up to Louis' face and pulled him in to whisper, "That ought to loosen you up." Woah, okay. Personal space. Louis brushed the encounter off. They were friends, that wasn't weird. Right? Tito had never shown an interest in him before...

"I'm gonna go dance with my boyfriend," Louis announced as he set the empty cups down.

Louis squeezed his way through the small group of sweaty bodies until he found himself close to the person who always made him feel safe.

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