With You

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"You should probably get back to Niall's party." Louis decided it was best to let Harry have his fun.

"I don't think anyone will notice my absence." Harry scooted in closer.

Was this really happening? Was Harry finally letting his walls down? "Bullshit." Louis nudged him with a cheeky smile. "Seriously, babe. I don't want to keep you." He wanted more than anything to burn in their shared desire but concern for his sister was bringing him down.

"Since when?" Harry poked fun. He swung his knees to hit Louis'.

Louis put a hand on Harry's knee to keep the boy close. "Are you sure you don't want to be with your friends?"

"I just want to be here...with you...tonight. Is that okay?" Harry turned to face him.

Louis nodded and allowed Harry to rest his head on his chest. Louis put an arm around him and let him rest against his beating heart. With a hand dangling over Harry's shoulder he held his right hand. They stayed wrapped up in each other for a while.

"Do you want to sneak onto the treehouse?" Harry came up with the idea after a while of not saying anything at all.

Louis was taken back. His eyes instantly widened at the idea. They hadn't been up there for what felt like ages. It was Louis' old treehouse that didn't have much of a use except for smoking and hookups. Louis' face lit up at the boy with the mischievous smile.

Louis stood up and stuck out his hand for the younger boy to take. They giggled and danced their way to the backyard.

Louis climbed up first and gave Harry a helping hand once he was in. The wooden room was nothing special aside from the walls Zayn took the liberty of spray painting.

There were two dusty bean bags and a makeshift table they fashioned from cardboard.

Harry couldn't stand all the way up and it always made Louis giggle. "What?" Harry brought him in closer by the waist.

"Nothing." Louis pretended to zip his lips shut as if he was holding something back, so Harry played along.

"Tell me." He ran his hand up Louis' back with an infectious smile.

"Nuh-uh." Louis refused as Harry continued to close the space between them.

Louis leaned back so Harry would duck down towards him. Harry cupped his face and brought his lips to his.

Euphoria. The feeling of Harry's soft familiar lips had Louis' mind in a frenzy. His whole body felt like it had woken up.

Harry kissed him with an urgency that left Louis feeling unsteady in his stance. Their lips moved together in quick desperate motions. Louis couldn't help but smile into their kisses.

When Louis couldn't hold himself up anymore he threw his body down into the old green beanbag, clenching Harry's collar on the way down.

Before Louis could process the situation they'd gotten themselves into, he felt the weight of Harry in his lap. Louis held Harry's small waist as they rushed back to exploring each other's mouths.

This was everything Louis had been missing. He grabbed a fistful of Harry's hair and pulled him as close as possible. Louis pressed his tongue into his mouth. The sensation sent out a raspy moan from Harry.

Louis was addicted to the way his boy tasted at this moment. All he could think was; more. More of his tongue against his. More of his thighs pressed to Louis'. More of his hands tangled in his love's hair. More.

Their kisses we're getting wet and sloppy as the younger boy struggled to breathe. The wanting on both ends was infinite. Louis moved his hand down to Harry's collar and then down the train of buttons; slowly opening each one. Louis had to take a breath and take in the sight of this beautiful creature in front of him.

He took another fistful of Harry's hair and brought his neck to Louis' lips. Louis was almost lying on his back now as he kissed up and down the vein on Harry's neck. He sucked and licked until he got to the spot right underneath his jaw that drove the younger boy crazy. They were good at this now.

"Fuck, Lou." Harry whimpered into his ear as he tasted every inch of him. Harry started to grip the beanbag as tightly as he could while Louis' lips drove him towards the edge.

Just as they were starting to get dizzy from their highs, Louis felt a buzzing.

Harry groaned and immediately sat up. "What are you doing?" Louis was offended as he grabbed the phone from his back pocket.

"It's Niall." Harry frowned.

"I don't bloody care if it's the Queen of England we were sort of in the middle of something." Louis wanted to get his point across but Harry didn't take him seriously.

"What is it, Niall?" Harry sang his greeting in a frustrated tone.

"It's Liv. We can't find Niall. Where are you?" As Harry processed her words he moved off Louis and the beanbag.

"Oh, for god's sake." Louis rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Harry was still buzzing and unable to make sense of the call.

"I mean he took off somewhere and we can't find him! Can you meet us back at his place and help us find him?" She begged urgently.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course." Harry realized the lack of empathy that had probably been in his voice when she told him about Niall.

He hung up the phone and started to button his shirt back up. "We have to go," Harry ordered Louis.

Louis threw his head back on to the beanbag with an audible sigh. "It's probably best I sit this one out because honestly, I'm just gonna kill him the second I see him."

Harry didn't say anything for a second too long. Then he sat up and put a hand on Louis' knee as he leaned down over him. Louis sat up on his elbows so they were close again. Harry gave him a pleading look but Louis had his mind made up.

Harry pecked kisses along his jawline until he saw Louis' face change. "For me?" Harry whispered as a last resort.

Louis wasn't as strong as he thought when it came to this boy. "Only cos' you're cute."

Anyone see a blonde boy running around here somewhere?

This is going to be a long night.

Don't forget to hit that vote button and leave me a comment before you go!

Love you lots!

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