Walkin' On Sunshine

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It was still hot outside. Harry was excited for Fall but he wanted to soak up the sun one more time.

Olivia and Harry spread out a towel and laid out in the sun next to each other while the others ran around like chickens with their heads cut off.

"Louis, you idiot!" Zayn swore at Louis. Harry lifted his head to see what Louis had done now. He saw Zayn with one shoe frantically looking for the other on the shore. He laughed to himself before laying his head back down and closing his eyes.

Louis' laugh resonated through the air and over to Harry and it filled the boy up with joy. It was a beautiful sound.

After fifteen minutes, an alarm went off on Olivia's phone. "Switch" she ordered and the two flipped on their stomachs.

Harry rested his head on his forearms. He saw Lottie and Anna sitting on their only lawn chairs talking about something that made both of the girls giggle like children.

It was a good day surrounded by good people. Harry could feel the sun browning his skin. The wind blew through his hair lightly. He could fall asleep.

"Did we really come all the way out here for you lot to take a nap." The boys got bored and decided to disturb their peace.

"You guys have way too much energy." Olivia complained.

Louis stood over Harry blocking the sunlight. Harry tried shooing him away.

Louis got down to his level. He laid on his stomach with his elbows in the sand while Harry laid on his back. "Come onnnnnn." Louis pushed the boy trying to get him up.

"I'm trying to get a tan." Harry groaned at him.

"You literally could not get any prettier. Come on." Louis gave him a persuasive look.

Harry couldn't take a compliment. Especially from Louis. Butterflies were fluttering in his tummy. "What did you have in mind?" Harry caved.

"If I'm being BLUNT, I think WE'D have more fun in the car." Louis thought he was smooth and Harry thought everyone else did too.

The friends all filed into Louis' car. Louis took the driver seat and Harry took the passenger seat while Olivia, Zayn, and Liam squeezed into the back. Louis cracked the window and Zayn started rolling.

Zayn being the gentleman he was let Olivia help. They cracked the windows and passed the joint around. They knew nobody came around this part of the lake and that they would be safe.

Louis took an exceptionally long drag. Harry found himself fixating on the shape of his lips again. Louis pointed at his lips and moved closer to Harry.

They used to share hits all the time, but Harry didn't know if he felt comfortable anymore.

But Harry didn't have time to think about it and being in Louis' proximity seemed like a good idea at the time. He brought his face in closer to Louis. He parted his lips slightly and brought them close enough to touch Louis'. He could practically taste what his lips would be like they were so close.

Louis skillfully blew the smoke towards Harry as he inhaled. The smoke they shared filled his lungs and he felt just a bit more at ease. He forgot his friends were in the car as he imagined tasting Louis' lips again. It felt like an eternity since he felt the older boy's lips on his.

He didn't even realize Louis' hand was in his hair until he started to pull away. Now Harry just felt cold.

"Would one of you lovebirds like to pass the blunt now?" Liam teased.

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