Thinkin' Bout You

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"So, I'm thinking since Friday went so well..." Olivia reached an arm over Harry to get Niall's attention as they walked down the hall. "We should do the whole musical on skates." She teased.

"Oh, yeah. Sounds great Liv. I'll just ask the wizard in the second act for the limb I'll inevitably lose. Who needs a brain?" He teased her back and suddenly Harry the way.

Harry noticed more eyes on him today. He didn't understand his peer's fascination with him and his friends but they decided not to feed into it.

"Caution. Inflated egos ahead." Olivia warned them as she caught sight of Liam, Louis, and Zayn coming down the same hall after their morning practice.

Harry had been thinking about Louis all weekend. He did a good job of avoiding him last week but he didn't expect to have to keep up the act. He missed being able to at least talk to him.

But now was not the time to show weakness. What they did was wrong and they weren't just going to run into them Monday morning and forget everything that was said.

They got closer and closer to the trio walking down the hall. They kept a straightforward gaze and a stern expression. Harry wondered what they would do. Would they try to apologize? Would they say anything at all?

They were mere feet apart and it was clear there was no avoiding one another. It was also evident that neither party wanted to be the one to move to the side.

Within seconds Harry and his friends were stopped in front of the three boys. Harry had been closer to Louis than he had been in days. He could faintly smell the same alluring scent Harry had always been drawn too.

His sweatpants were tight around the waist and Harry could only imagine what this specific pair looked like from behind. His jumper was just barely cropped at the band of his sweatpants, showing just the slightest of skin. Harry was tempted to break his eye contact and admire the stunning apparel.

The moments that passed during the brief encounter felt like they lasted a lifetime. Harry kept his cold stare on Louis' piercing blue eyes, reminding himself now was not the time to get lost in his ocean. "Harry." Louis lowered his stare from Harry's eyes to his lips and then back up to his eyes.

Harry wouldn't be the one to break. He couldn't. "Louis." He replied secure in himself.

Louis almost cracked a smile as he tentatively stepped aside for Harry to get through. He kept the eye contact as he moved past them. Olivia and Niall were sure to give dirty looks as they followed on his trail.

Harry let out a breath he'd been holding. That was intense. He felt like his whole body was on fire. Would that be how it was going to be every time they saw one another?

"Anybody else feel like they just went through airport security?" Niall looked back at their old friends with an amused grin on his face.

"The plan was to ignore them, remember?" Harry turned Niall's head around for him. He knew he was missing Liam and Zayn. "And everyone asking about them. It's none of their business. We're our own people." He reminded them.

"Well, this girl's gotta get to biology and finish her lab with her ex-boyfriend." Olivia groaned as she put a finger gun to her head.

"Short and sweet." Harry reminded Olivia to keep her conversation with Zayn brief as she inched away. "Kill him with kindness." He gave her a big smile as she strutted backward down the hall.

"Maybe, I'll just..." She used her hand to mimic the motion of a beaker accidentally spilling.

Harry shook his head at the mischievous girl. "Be good." He mouthed before she finally turned around to get to class.

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