Driving Me Crazy

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"Seriously, Lottie. I can't take you to school if you're going to take half the semester to do your hair which by the way, looks absolutely the same before you did it." Louis berated his sister once they were in the car together.

He offered to drive her to school on Friday because he didn't have a morning practice. He had no idea what he was signing up for. "I told you weeks ago Josh had a doctors appointment today. What did you expect of me? My hair is perfectly straight by the way. It's my signature look. For someone who's such a diva about his hair sometimes you sure are oblivious about what actually goes into styling hair." Lottie was the only person who felt comfortable being a pain in the ass around Louis. Her and Harry. Then again, those two were the only ones he had a soft spot for.

"Whatever. Just don't ask me to drive you around if you're not going to be respectful of my time." He tried to end it there.

"Respectful of your time? You're such a twat sometimes. Who talks like that?" She plugged her phone into the aux cord.

"None of that boy band shit please." He warned his sister.

She rolled her eyes at him and flicked through her music with her acrylic nails tapping the screen incessantly.

"Did you talk to that girl like I told you?" Louis continued to bug his little sister.

"Which one?" She put on some Post Malone and turned the song up even though they were talking.

Louis scoffed. "The girl that works at Bab's. The new girl."

"Oh, yeah. That one was easy. She's super into drama. She's dying to get a part in the winter musical. I made it very clear what would happen if she talked to him again." Lottie was nonchalant about her scheming.

A smile spread across his face. He had no shame about using his sister to do his dirty work. After all, he was pretty sure Lottie was kind of into it.

"But do you remember Angie? The girl who's been kissing up to me since last year."

Honestly, Louis couldn't put a name to a face if he tried. He was only really concerned about his immediate circle and his team.

"Anyway, she's part of the school paper and she said she saw Harry flirting with the editor like the entire time." Lottie didn't seem too upset to be breaking the news to him.

Louis gripped his steering wheel harder. "What's his name?"

"I dunno." Lottie shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, find out!" Louis ordered the younger girl.

"Chill. You're starting to sound like a freak. What do you think Harry's going to say when he finds out you've been sabotaging his love life?" Lottie just wanted to give him a hard time.

"He's not going to find out unless a certain someone who uses his brother for rides, parties, and alcohol tells him." Louis gave his sister a cautionary stare before throwing the car in park and waiting for her to get out.

"I'm sure it's nothing. I'll see what I can find." She was almost sincere.

Louis waved his hand for her to get out of his car.


Louis met up with a few of his teammates and friends at lunch. It had been a long morning for Louis. He couldn't get this mystery guy out of his head.

Harry was busy fixing Olivia's hair when he got to the table. He was deep in concentration and Louis wasn't interested in talking to anyone else at the table.

He was scrolling through his phone when Liam took a seat next to him. A notification popped up on Louis' phone from their coach letting them know practice was canceled due to the rain this morning. "Damn it!"

He showed his phone to Liam. "Oh damn. That blows."

"We're going to get smoked next week." He slammed his phone down on the table.

Harry still holding Olivia's hair and holding an elastic band in his mouth turned to the two boys with concern. "What's wrong?" His words were muffled, but cute nonetheless.

"Practice is cancelled." Louis pouted.

"And to think I was actually going to watch today." Harry chuckled.

And Louis didn't want to find that cute, but he did and it made him even more upset. He did better at practice when Harry was there.

"What's up?" Zayn greeted the table as he threw his paper bag down.

"Hi, Zayn." Olivia greeted as Harry stuck the last of her Bobby pins in.

"Coach cancelled practice." Liam filled him in.

"It just ticks me off. It's not that bad out there." Louis complained.

"Well, maybe we should do something different. Not that fawning over boys in their soccer shorts every day after school isn't fun for me." Harry smiled a little too brightly for Louis to feel okay inside. "We could ditch last period. Head down to the lake while it's still warm."

As seriously as Louis wanted to take this missed practice, the thought of seeing a shirtless Harry at the beach right now was flushing all of his concerns down the drain.

"Yeah, but Niall's got detention today." Anna reminded Harry.

"Oh. How will we live?" Louis pretended to wipe a tear from his eyes.

"I'll tell him to meet us up there later." Harry pulled out his phone.

Louis never understood their obsession with the Irish lad. He was funny at times, but they acted like the world would end if he weren't there.

"I gotta invite Lottie. I gave her a ride to school today." Louis remembered.

Nobody seemed to object, so Louis sent Lottie a text. Before Louis put his phone down he got a text from Harry. The boy was sitting directly in front of him and decided to text him anyway.

Don't worry about the practice. You're doing great.

Louis tried very hard to hold the grin that was threatening to consume his face. When he looked up Harry was wearing a discreet smile. Louis couldn't take it. It's like he wanted Louis to stay in love with him forever.


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