Back To Reality

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"I should probably get going before it get's too late." Louis hated to be the bearer of bad news especially to a face as cute as the one he was looking at.

"Five more minutes." Harry nuzzled his face into the crook of Louis' neck and took a deep breath in. Louis found it too endearing to find it as weird as it was.

"You said that half an hour ago, love." He tugged on the covers so they would cover the both of them a little more. After everything they'd been through, who was he to refuse him?

Louis sunk down in the bed so he could face Harry. They tangled their legs together like it was second nature. Louis would never admit to being this soft with anyone, but with Harry, all his defenses were down.

"Hey," Harry wore a cheeky grin. "I'm not the only one who lied about how much longer they'd be."

Louis' mouth dropped at the comment; feeling both pride and amazement. He burst into a hysterical laughter he couldn't contain. He had to hold his stomach as he gasped for air. Since when could his boyfriend tell jokes?

As Louis lost his breath in a fit of laughter, Harry wrapped him in his arms and pulled him close. He kissed his cheek in between chuckles of his own.

"I told you my stamina has improved," Louis smiled back at him as he settled back down.

"Oh-ho." Harry egged him on. "You've been doing all that training just for me?"

"Guilty." Louis blushed as he looked back at the boy he loved. He climbed on top of him gently as Harry ran his hands from Louis' bum to his waist where he held him there. Louis cupped his face before stealing a tender kiss.

"Are you nervous about this weekend?" Harry readjusted himself for Louis' comfort.

"No. I think I'm good." He shook his head definitively.

"Really?" Harry suspected a whole truth wasn't being told.

"As long as you're in the stands, I'll be okay." He rubbed circles into his chest but wouldn't look him in the eyes. He didn't know why he couldn't look at him. It's not like that was a lot to ask, right?

"I'll be there." He said firmly.

"Well good, if anything, we need a pretty distraction to mess with the other team." Louis raised his gaze to give Harry a flirtatious look.

Harry's cheeks instantly flushed but he was used to the comments. "I'm sure you'll do a fine job of that on your own." He fired back proudly. Louis let him keep the win this time.

"What about you, baby? Ready to see your creations come to life?" He brought a hand up to the younger boy's face.

"'s not even really a big deal..." He trailed off. "I don't think anyone bought their ticket to see the wardrobe." Louis face soured at the note of insignificance in the boy's voice.

"I did." He smiled kindly. "And I'm not the only one. Everyone at school is treating this damn thing like a red carpet event. That's all you, baby." He stared fondly at the blushing boy.

Harry's high-pitched squeal of a laugh was a melody to Louis. "Thanks, babe." He mumbled lowly.

He took one last look at the boy beneath him. He savored the sight as a keepsake for his memory. He cherished the way their heartbeat had now shared the same rhythm and at this very moment, there was nothing between them aside from the love they had for each other.

"I got to go." He whispered hoping for one more protest.

"Okay," The curly-haired boy pouted.

"Would it help if I told you that you..." He eyed the green-eyed angel up and down one more time. "you don't make it easy to leave you."

He smirked devilishly before leaving a kiss on top of his head and releasing him from his grip.

Louis grudgingly lifted himself up and off the bed they shared. He let his host watch him as he got fully dressed. When all that was left was their goodbye he bent down to give him one last kiss. Harry's fingertips slid across his jawline as they pulled apart. God, it felt like a sin to part lips. "Love you." He huffed out.

"Love you."


When Louis got home he found Anna and Lottie on his front porch. He wondered if any of the others had stayed as well. He wouldn't have minded sharing his good spirits with others.

As he approached the two girls he noticed Lottie's face was hidden in her hands as Anna stroked her hair. "Hey, what's wrong?" Louis asked cautiously.

Anna gave him a pleading look as she shrugged her shoulders. "Hey, boo." She whispered to her. "Louis' here do you want to talk to him?"

Lottie wiped her tears quickly and composed herself for her older brother. "I'll call you later." She smiled at the brown-eyed girl with a red nose and puffy eyes.

Anna kissed the top of her head before standing up to leave. She gave Louis a pat on the arm and Louis squeezed her arm tenderly back just before she moved past him.

Louis took the vacant spot next to her. "How's it going, Lot?"

"Fantastic." She replied with sarcasm. She had a nasally sound in her throat which only made Louis wonder how much she had actually been crying.

"You know I'm here for you right?" He grabbed ahold of her hand. It was cold like she'd been out there for hours.

She took her hand away. "What? Now that you got you're boyfriend back, right? And all your friends are back to worshipping the golden boy, now you have time for me, got it." She nodded her head.

"Lottie, come on. You're my sister, can we please just work this out already?" Louis took a deep breath.

"You haven't checked your messages today have you?"

Louis searched his pockets for his phone. "I left it in the car, hang on." He started to rise to his feet before she knocked him back down.

"I'll save you the trip. Your final match has been moved to Friday." She rolled her eyes before he had a chance to say anything.

"What? How do you know?" He furrowed his eyebrows at the younger girl.

"News travels fast. Especially bad news." She mumbled to herself.

"Wait, but that's opening night." Louis' shoulders fell as grief came over him. "There's no way Harry will be able to make it." Panic came over him as the realization hit that if Harry wasn't there, how was he supposed to be great?

"Unbelievable." Lottie scoffed at her older brother's concern.

"What?" Louis snapped at her, tired of her attitude.

"Has it even occurred to you how hard I've worked on this musical? Half my friends are planning on bailing to go to this stupid match, hell half the school is. Not to mention, there's no chance in hell mum and dad are missing your last match for my opening night." Her eyes watered as she stared him down but she didn't dare lower her gaze.

"I'm sure all your real friends will be there for you. It's no big deal, mom and dad will see it the next night." He tried to reason with her.

She bit her lip and let out a sigh. "This. This is why we can't work it out. You can't even pretend to care." She looked at him with disdain as she quickly rose to her feet and left him in the cold.

Sometimes, too right can make a wrong

Enjoy the triple update and all the fluff!! Thank you for your patience with me and thank you so so so so much for 35K! I'm beyond speechless at how far we've come!

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Love you lots!

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