This Means War

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"What is wrong with you?" Louis approached Anna first thing Monday morning with an entire monologue of all her wrongdoings prepared. She was chatting to three underclassmen in their wood tech class.

"Good morning to you too." She greeted playfully knowing she was in trouble.

"You lot got somewhere to be?" Louis eyed them up and down and they scattered instantaneously.

"Why didn't you answer me at all this weekend?" Louis stared at the girl with an intense focus.

"I figured you could use the weekend to cool down." She bit her lip as she anticipated Louis' next move.

He pointed a finger at the girl. "You set me up." He shook his head just wondering how he could be so naive and fall for her bullshit 'get back out there' speech.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't have a choice!" She pleaded with him to listen. "It worked, didn't it? He was totally jealous wasn't he?" She put a hand on her hip, satisfied with her work.

"You really think you did me a favor here, don't you?" He scoffed at the sporty girl.

She tightened her ponytail with less tension in her movements. "Honestly, Lou. I'm the only one looking out for you. I knew what needed to be done and I got it done in a way that didn't compromise your new obsession with 'doing the right thing.'"
She mocked him.

"Your stupid little plan didn't work!" He raised his voice. "Because neither one of us walked away from that party feeling good. It made both of us feel like shit. I didn't want to hurt him. I told you that and it's like you didn't even see that. Is your scheme to win that girl over more important than our friendship?" He was breathing hard.

"First of all, I didn't do this for me. This had nothing to do with Diana. I did it to help you with Harry. It's okay that it hurt you...and him. Sometimes you need to feel that pain to realize what you're missing." She really had no remorse. "You can hate me but I did you a favor."

"Listen and listen good. I tried the whole 'put others first, consider their feelings' thing for a while now. I was told I was selfish and thoughtless and needed an attitude adjustment. But you know the more I think about it, the more I realized that this consideration thing, it's just getting me walked all over. So, I'm done. I'm doing things my way again and if you have a problem I'd suggest working it out yourself because I am a very short fuse right now." He had a fire in his eyes even he could feel. "And let's get one thing straight. When I say 'no' I fucking mean 'no', clear?" He kept a straight face and showed no fear.

She shook her head quickly.

"Great, now since you did me a favor I thought I'd return it. You should know Diana wasn't Harry's date. Reese was. From where I was standing it looked more like she was there with Niall."

"Niall?" She asked dumbfounded.

"Niall," Louis confirmed with a chuckle. "Maybe you should be teaming up with your blonde partner in crime."

"She hates me. And she's dating that Neanderthal on your team." She rolled her eyes.

"Hmm." Louis picked up his backpack off the ground. "Sounds like a 'you' problem." He walked into their class before the bell sounded.


Louis had been mostly faking it. Faking his reunification with his confidence. Faking his positive attitude. Faking the peace he knew should have made with the fact that Harry would never be his again and his group of friends would likely never be the same. He was faking it but it seemed like people had actually been buying it.

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