Lancelot (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

" Shame." Before Arthur's fingers can graze the coloured cloth Lancelot suddenly lashes out and takes the Prince off his feet. Arthur hits the ground stunned and Lancelot scrambles to his feet holding the sword at the Prince's throat. Rowan and Arty grin wickedly from the sidelines.

" We taught him well." Gwen looks at both boys in wonder before turning back to the fight.

" Do you submit, Sire?" Lancelot asks, victory blazing in his gaze until the guards restrain him and Arthur rushes to his feet snatching his sword in anger and levelling it at Lancelot's chest.

" On your knees!" The guards knock his legs from beneath him and Gwen gasps in shock.

" Only once have I met another with those tactics, it seems you had some help in preparation for your test." Arthur's gaze cut to his two children who feigned innocence but he could see the cool smugness in their eyes at proving their point that Lancelot was a warrior in the making.

" Do not punish them, Sire, they were only trying to help." Arthur's furious demeanour softened and he lowered his sword.

" I'm not angry at them or you, I am impressed that you would listen to a child's instruction. You have proven not only your mettle but your willingness to improve your craft." Arthur studied the man in front of him and despite the protectiveness, he felt for Merlyn in his presence he would not deny Lancelot his victory.

" I'll see you in the Throne Room this evening." Arthur finished before sheathing his sword and making his way off to the side of the field for a drink. In his wake Gwen, Merlyn and the twins rushed forward to congratulate the soon to be Sir Lancelot. He watched Lancelot humbly thank his children who despite his bowed head simply gave him a childish hug and clapped him on the back. Merlyn gave him a quick hug which sent Arthur's hackles up but his jealousy was quickly doused as he watched the way Gwen and Lancelot shyly interacted, he looked to see Merlyn giving him a smug smile and willed his face into neutrality before heading toward the castle to prepare for a knighting ceremony with a faint smile on his lips.

That afternoon the Throne Room was packed with people from all walks of life but most importantly the Prince, the King and Lady Morgana. Lancelot was once again on his knees but this time it was to receive his reward for his skill and honour. Uther regally placed the blade on one shoulder then the other before announcing to those gathered,

" Arise, Sir Lancelot, Knight of Camelot." Lancelot rose and the room burst into applause, the boys being two of the loudest. Gwen was beside Morgana clapping wildly and Morgana was smiling brightly as she leaned down to speak with Gwen.

" Who is this man? He seems to have come out of nowhere." Morgana wondered aloud curiously.

" I know. It's been a bit of a surprise to all of us." Gwen replied with a knowing smirk.

Merlyn and the boys stood with Arthur who was watching Lancelot with pride knowing that he was going to be one of his best knights.

" Told you he was a knight in the making." Rowan piped up smugly from where he sat upon one of the tables by his father's side. Arthur turned to both boys who smirked like the cat who got the canary.

" Yeah, yeah, alright. He still has a ways to go though but I think he'll be one of my best." Arthur admitted with a faint smile.

" Your welcome by the way." Arty grinned and Arthur rolled his eyes.

" I honestly thought you were going to behead him after he knocked you on your ass." Merlyn said from his other side, Arthur scoffed.

" I don't think you would be very happy if I killed him." Arthur replied with a little too much bite and Merlyn raised her eyebrow.

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