Chapter 31: Game of Tag (Part 8)

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"Were you dumped because of your height, shorty?" 

He said those words with a grin visible from the corners of his lips. His mischievous face reminded Han Dae of a criminal with those sharp eyes having a tunnel vision and a lady killer because of his fine face.

'Ugh...' Han Dae frowned, rolling his eyes. 

He did not care to mind the business of the other. He has no business with a stranger in the first place. Who would want to spend his time with someone who does nothing but insults? He finally turned to leave but the moment he heard that guy's voice, his whole body froze.

The other said enthusiastically, "You wanna know about the Crimson Winter Calamity, right?" as if he is enjoying watching the shorter one struggle.

Han Dae faced him once again, "You know it too?"

He chuckled, "Ha! Of course I do! I'm a traveler!" he proudly introduced himself.

"A traveler who is illegally sneaking into the main estate of different tribes?" Han Dae raised a brow with a smirk, "Isn't that closer to a burglar?"

He blinked in surprise, "Wow, you're educated!" as he puts his umbrella on his shoulder just to applaud.

On the surface, he means to praise him for good, but it somehow sounded like he means harm. Of course Han Dae would be annoyed. Thinking to himself that this person in front of him is underestimating him jut because he is a servant.

Then again, he didn't even know the occupation of the other. No, whether he has an occupation or not sounded more appropriate.

"I didn't know you love gossiping." Han Dae glared in irritation.

He laughed before waving his hand, "Haha! I just happen to pass by!"

Han Dae crossed his arms, "I've heard everything already."

As the gentle rain drops finally pours heavily, the slightly taller one said, "It's up to you." He smiled, "I will only tell you about the details you wanna know so make sure to ask me interesting questions!"

Han Dae observed the face of someone who has a face that can conclude to only two possibilities. One is he really is meaning to give valuable information out of goodwill and the other is that he is planning to do something difficult to undo once it has started.

Han Dae failed to read his face with his astonished expression and a grin. Somehow it looks like he is saying 'Dang, this shorty is stupid for not knowing anything!' behind that vexing grin of his.

"Why are you helping me?" Han Dae wondered suspiciously.

The other sighed, "Sadly I have to leave tomorrow since this place is becoming boring already..."

'Tck, really, I made a whole town explode just to catch the attention of someone exciting yet all they sent me were lowly effin' Jinjis! I swear to fucking god, they handle problems hella boring! They should learn a thing or two from Young Lord Han and fight me head on! Fuckin' cowards!' he looks very dissatisfied and displeased.

'I'll never put effort for those shitty Lao siblings ever again! How dare they ruin one of my shows! It's a masterpiece I tell you! A great masterpiece!'

"So!" he smiled once again after feeling murderous, "I will entertain you before I go!"

'It feels like I'm the one who's entertaining you.' Han Dae furrowed his brows, 'But let's try asking whether his answer is believable or not.'

Han Dae, "Then I'll ask one now." 

The other one smiled, "Sure! Go ahead."

"Why did Young Lord Han went to the den of demons all by himself?" straight off the bat, he didn't give the other an easy question.

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