Chapter 5: Forest of Dreams (Part 2)

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Underground, Asher cannot see a single thing. It is too dark and muddy, the air is very thin that he feels like he's gasping every time. Closing his eyes, he concentrated. He sharpen his hearing and focused on sliding sounds in the mud - like a mayo being compressed and squished.

The moment the sound gets louder, he held his swords tightly.

A loud , deafening high-pitch groan is heard the moment he sliced from his right. Then above him, and behind him, he's just focusing on the sounds, striking and striking without rest, as if he's dancing gracefully in the dark.

"Sa!" Han Dae's voice echoed throughout the dark and crimson red fire lit up the ground, making a huge circle, like an arena.

The moment Asher opened his eyes, shock filled his entire being upon seeing that this place truly is a den of dirt ghouls. They are everywhere. No matter where Asher turn to, their distorted faces are the ones he can see first.

"Han Dae!" he shouted because he cannot see him, "Where's the array?!"

"Deeper!" Han Dae shouted, "We have to go in deeper!" slashing sounds came from behind Asher as Han Dae gracefully leaped to his side. The strings of his Latigo are dripping with crimson blood and the blades on its ends are painted with red.

Asher's swords are also bathed with blood.

"We can't get in deeper with these eyesores." Asher grinned with eyes worried. How can they have the strength to destroy the array then? Surely, with the dirt ghouls' number, they will really exhaust their spiritual energy before reaching the array!

Asher gasped for air. Sweat mixing with blood, he is starting to get dizzy. 'Fuck! Are we on outer space?!'

Han Dae's eyes grew bright red, dark aura filled his right hand. Exhaling, he positioned himself in a running position and in a blink of an eye, he ran straight to the ghouls in front, killing more than twenty in a single attack.

"Asher!" he shouted.

Asher let out a quiet chuckle and ran towards him while killing the ghouls that tried to block him. The moment he reached Han Dae, he whistled, "What a move!" he grinned.

He faced the ghouls and said, "You go in deeper. I'll stop these deformed creatures here. I trust you can undo the array yourself, right?"

Han Dae nodded, "Then, I'll trouble you."

"Nah, this is nothing!" Asher acted tough with a smirk. Truly, he can't decipher whether he is still breathing or he totally gave it up. What matters is that he's still standing up, feeling pretty good because of the adrenaline rush.

Seeing Han Dae show off in front of him the second time, he can't bear his excitement to stay awake and see more of it. Also, who wouldn't want to show off after being shown off?

"Fight!" Asher ordered the ghouls the moment Han Dae turned to go in deeper.

Meanwhile, Daniel just finished dressing Nathan's wounds. Luckily, Hannah is the one who's responsible for the squad's health, therefore, she is in charge of carrying medicines.

"Hannah's medicine work wonders." Daniel said with a smile, "After a good night sleep, not even wounds will remain."

"Da-ni, he's not deserving of our medicine!" Hannah said when the ground rumbled.

"That's--!" Hannah exclaimed. What else could that be other than the big one? Putting her two hands together like a prayer, she said, "Release!" separating her hands, a staff showed. Grabbing it with her right hand, she stood on the branch of the tree prepared.

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