Chapter 6: Old Acquaintances (Part 1)

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"Ehhh?!" Asher exclaimed. His voice doesn't seem to have a sound in this place. "What the heck is going on?!"

His mind recalled what the village elder had told him. But who would've thought that he's so desperate to know Han Dae that he ended up entering his past in his body?

Han Dae stepped forward to take a peek inside the eatery when the woman eating there, with her family, noticed him. After whispering to her husband, her husband went out to kick Han Dae.

Spitting out to the side, he said, "Shoo! Shoo! Go away! You're ruining our breakfast!"

Han Dae, who is holding his stomach that just got kicked, stood and left in haste. Asher felt the pain too. Not just the pain of the kick, but also the pain in his empty growling stomach.

"Hmph!" Han Dae snubbed, "It's not like I'm looking at your filthy-ass face! You shitty pig! Just wait until I get you back!" he stick out his tongue to the place before walking away, massaging his tummy.

Asher, "Pfft! Han Dae, oh, Han Dae! I can't believe you used to curse!" he laughed.

"There you are!" Someone in front of Han Dae shouted while waving, "Hurry up! We need a hand!"

Han Dae smiled and shouted, "Coming! Coming!"

Rushing to a certain house, he started putting dusty potatoes in a dirty white sack using his tiny hands. "Morning Han Dae!"

Han Dae faced her with a smile, "Morning Han Sanya-jia!" he greeted while tying the sack as he carried it on his back before continuing, "Wet market, same spot, right?"

Han Sanya nodded, "Yup! Han Suru-dou is there already. You can easily spot him."

Han Dae hurried to the wet market.

Asher then complained, "Fuck! This is so heavy! No wonder Han Dae's so tiny!" Han Dae isn't really that tiny, Asher is just really tall. Asher saw the sign in the entrance of the market the moment Han Dae stepped in.

'Han Tribe's Market'

Asher's eyes widened. He is really in the Han Tribe's territory! Mount Rajab!

Han Dae reached Han Suru and dropped the sack beside his stall. Han Suru exclaimed, "Careful! We cannot damage the goods!" smiling, he scolded him kindly.

Han Dae pinched his nose, "Good morning Han Suru-chou! How are things going over there?" while looking at him selling vegetables.

"Going pretty well!" he answered and faced the buyer who called his attention, "Yes jia! You are very lucky! These babies here are still fresh!"

Han Dae smiled and went back to the house to grab some more.

Late in the afternoon, Han Dae is wiping his face with his dirty shirt. Asher, on the other hand, is chasing his breath like holding on for life. He wants to pass out, but he can't. The body is awake, so he is awake. His will means nothing in this place.

'Ahh! I'm dying! I haven't eaten anything yet! I haven't had a drop of water too! Han Dae, you're abusing me!' Asher complained.

"Han Dae!" the guy who called him earlier called him again. "Mother is calling you!"

Han Dae hurried inside the house. Seeing that the family is preparing to eat, he helped them in preparing their food for lunch. Han Sanya then gave him a bun. His eyes twinkled with his watery mouth. Taking it, without even washing his hands, he gobbled it up.

Han Suru gave him some water, "Eat slowly or you will choke." He took it and drank with his mouth full.

"Come sit with us!" their son said so he did.

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