Chapter 27: Game of Tag (Part 4)

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Location: Ebony Lao Tribe; Sanctuary Temple; Main Residence

The two dazzled the area as they made their way to their seats. Facing everyone, Lao Ba'al, the head of the tribe, raised his glass of wine as the rest followed him. After a sip, they've began digging in.

The heads of different branches of the tribe are there as well, chatting, talking about business and politics that may pique the attention of the royal family.

Honestly, no one gives a damn. Imagine a pig trying to look clean - desperate filth indeed.

The music once again played as the dancers in black and gold, wearing see through silk on their hands and their ankles, moved to the center and danced with their dangling gold jewelries and the sound of bells ringing as their backs and stomachs are out in the open.

Lao Frigg's eyes traveled from their heads down to their toes. Every one of them caught his attention. One dancer noticed the young lord's gaze. He face turned away in embarrassment, flushing pink upon being recognized while dancing gracefully. He smirked while holding his cup of tea, "What a sight!" he exclaimed in a whisper.

Lao Judah sliced his juicy meat without a smile on his face, not even appreciating the beauties in front of him. As he is about to eat, he faced his brother who is not even touching his food.

"Lao-di..." like a reminder and a warning of what their places are, he whispered indifferently. Not showing whether he cares or not. Lao Tyr 'tch-ed' in irritation before grabbing his fork and knife reluctantly. He sliced the meat on his plate and started eating in annoyance.

"Everything is full of crap." He answered feeling his stomach churning as he forces to swallow.

Lao Frigg pouted as he looked at him with a brow raised, "Nah, the dancers are hella gorgeous." he giggled as he pointed his knife to the two men, one who is overweight, laughing loudly and boasting about his achievements as if it was something worth hearing and the other is a scrawny man who is forcibly listening to the other one's nonsense, "They make up for those worthless scums." 

Lao Tyr sighed, "Oh yeah? Aren't you the bastard who said that 'he only have eyes for the Sei princess'?" he mimicked sarcastically.

Lao Frigg jolted as he forced a laugh, "Did I?" he acted ignorant but his brother really have nothing to do with what he says or does.

"Can you slice that?" Lao Tyr asked him while pointing the untouched meat on his plate.

"I have no appetite." Lao Frigg replied while getting another glass of tea, "Gladly these girls here are beautiful! My mood won't be spoiled after all!"

The banquet ended with everyone laughing and praising the family. Those who are left inside are no other than the royal family themselves. Lao Judah sat beside Lao Tyr as Lao Frigg is on the left side of the second son.

In front of them is their parents.

"I have heard the results." Lao Ba'al said, clearly, displeased but his face is stiff and unfazed, "You're really good for nothing."

Lao Frigg just kept grinning as Lao Tyr yawns. Lao Judah is looking down, clenching his fists.

"Aren't you supposed to take the first place, Lao Judah?" he called out one of them.

"Yikes..." Lao Frigg covered his mouth, trying hard not to laugh. Lao Tyr smirked at his dear brother as Lao Judah raised his head to face his father.

"Forgive me." Lao Judah answered.

The wine glass went flying to the side of Lao Judah that made him shut his eyes and hold his breath as the glass breaks into pieces. His wife got shocked. She faced her husband, "My Lord!" Lao Lihan uttered.

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