Chapter 15: Deep Blue Cradle (Part 2)

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"Han Dae..." Han Zeno uttered his name. He closed his fist and clenched his robe. He trembled. Biting his lower lip, he teared up...

He teared up...

And cried...

"Sorry..." he sniffed and uttered, "I'm sorry..."

"Why did you do that?" Han Zeno asked gently without a hint of anger on his face.

"They were..." Han Dae sniffed once again and wiped his eyes before continuing, "They were bullying me..." still, he cannot stop his tears from falling.

"But I didn't care about that! I didn't care about that at all!" Han Dae shouted and continued, "If it was only me, I would never do such thing! But Hashi-ni! Hashi-ni they're insulting you! It isn't fair! They told me to know my place when they themselves didn't! I don't want Hashi-ni's reputation go downhill because of those rumors!"

Han Zeno's ears turned pink for a moment. He smiled after that and said, "Ignore them next time, okay? Besides, I do not care about such trifle."

Han Dae raised his head and faced him, "But—" he got startled when his young lord started giggling.

"" he asked with his 'huh' face.

Han Zeno smiled at him afterwards, "You finally faced me."

Upon realizing, Han Dae immediately looked away.

Han Zeno moved to the side where Han Dae is facing, "Face me." He ordered sweetly. Han Dae, however, felt guiltier so he face the other way. Han Zeno blinked and moved the other side saying the same thing,

"Face me."

Han Dae looked down feeling so damn guilty. He knew that even if that kind of thing happen, he shouldn't engage into something like that. What would the people say about the Han tribe? What would they say about his Rabbis and Shihan? What about his Hashi-ni?

"Fine." Han Zeno sighed.

Han Dae sighed as well upon thinking that his Hashi-ni gave up already. In his surprise, he is suddenly being lifted on the ground.

"Wha-?!" he subconsciously shouted when he and Han Zeno's eyes finally met once again. His face shows a hint of red upon realizing what had happened.

Han Zeno carried him like a child.

"There we go!" Han Zeno smiled. Han Dae's arms are holding his crimson sleeve without realizing it. "Alright! Now I can explain!" he continued.

"Ha--?!" Han Dae is still confused but Han Zeno began walking as if he caught a huge prey with such a victorious look on his face. "P-Put me down Hashi-ni!" Han Dae ordered.

"Request denied!" Han Zeno happily and sweetly uttered.

Han Dae got pissed, "Hashi-ni..." his voice sounds scary.

Han Zeno smiled at him in return. Han Dae's scary face suddenly swapped into a blushing surprised one. He pouted in defeat and buried his face on Han Zeno's chest so that he won't be seen.

"Tss..." he uttered, "What were you thinking Hashi-ni?"

"Can you first promise me that you won't do that again?" Han Zeno asked.

"No." Han Dae answered without hesitation.

"I'm fine." Han Zeno said while caressing Han Dae's back to calm his reluctant mind. "Isn't it fun? Knowing that other people know you when you yourself didn't? That'd make me a mystery."

"But they are saying mean things about you!" Han Dae exclaimed with face still buried.

Han Zeno chuckled, "That is why I am a mystery. Some will think I'm not nice, and some will consider me a saint. Isn't that exciting?"

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