Chapter 33.5: A Requiem of A Fragile Heart

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xXx Sei Cressida xXx

Have you heard? A cursed star was born in the family! What a jinx! – those are the words that kept ringing in my ears the moment 'he' was born. At first, I'm irritated why they'd curse my little brother openly while acting as if they are talking about it in secrecy. However, as time pass by, even I noticed that he is indeed a little slow in learning anything, easily gets injured and sick to the point that he is always bedridden, causing his Rabbis, maids and physicians to take the blame.

How everyone feels sorry for me for having a brother like him, it's annoying in its own way. Why would they pity my situation? I have a caring mother, a role-model father, and to top it of, a loving brother. I don't lack anything nor lingering regret that Sei-di was born even if they tell me to keep my distance.

I should've listened.

The idea I had in the back of my mind that I tried to push away, came through without a warning as I sit in front of mother and father. With their cold indifferent stare, it was enough for me to guess what it is they want – me as their heir. It was lawfully right since I'm the first born, still, only men can rule the Emerald Sei Tribe. But when it was announced publicly, no one objected. There is nothing strange to it if you think about it.

It was a one-sided decision because who wants a jinx to rule the tribe?

Se-di also praised me happily from the bottom of his heart that became my driving force to rule the Sei tribe. So, in order to be a proper heir, I studied like my life depended on it. Even if I was sick, I have no choice but to train until my nose bleeds. But I never once regretted it all. After all, I'll be taking care of what's precious to my family for decades. It is only necessary to become someone talented and powerful in order for our tribe to remain glorious. I also want to protect the people who are wholeheartedly supporting me and believing me. All of them are lovely – we are all family.

But fate chose to intervene.

The blessing of the guardian of the empire, the Divine Dragon bestowed by the Great Majin, descended to my brother. After that event that was witnessed by the eyes of many, there was an uproar. Two parties have made a suggestion – one is to kill him so that I'll be the sole heir of the tribe but the other one feared the power of the Guardians and the One True God, wanting him to be the successor.

In the end, a convenient decision was made. He, my brother, will be the successor known to many while I... I have to live as his shadow even if I'm the one who's clearly supposed to be the heir.

Utter nonsense. Nonsense!

Everyone began to detest him even more since then. The bullying became rougher – but this time, I did nothing. If he cannot even justify himself, what's the point of him being the successor of father? Even I grew to despise him. Every night I tell myself I hate him for taking away everything that's supposed to be mine. All my hardwork with be his achievements? What a joke!

Why is everything like this? Am I not enough? Do I lack because I'm a woman?

Until there comes a day where he reached his hand to me. His eyes long for the warmth of someone as he calls me, "Ji!" that alone is nerve wrecking. I felt the chills deep within me. But not only guilt came to me, my hatred flared up. So without thinking rationally, I pushed him aside.

But I froze the moment I realized that it he'd fall to the stairs. The hand that pushed him trembled but before he faced me, I managed to hold my emotions and gave him a glare.

If you want to be respected, then be stronger. Dry those tears and quit whining. If you really cannot progress, then practice twice as hard! I won't ever acknowledge you as the future head of this tribe if you keep being weak! Don't let my hard work go to waste!

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